Sat.Dec 24, 2016 - Fri.Dec 30, 2016

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Popular Social Media Topics of 2016

Ignite Social Media

2016 has been a very eventful year, especially in the world of social media marketing. Networks died, new features were rolled out and our own agency went through an exciting leadership change. But as the year comes to a close, we wanted to look back at some of our most frequented blog posts to see what people were really, really interested in this year.

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How To Start A Mobile Marketing Strategy

The Realtime Report

How To Start A Mobile Marketing Strategy. Have you considered mobile marketing as part of your advertising strategy? If you haven’t, you probably should, because mobile ads can often be one of the best ways to communicate with an audience. Here is how you can embark with a successful mobile marketing strategy. App Based Mobile Marketing. Did you know that 80% of a mobile user’s time is spent on apps?

Mobile 135

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Instagram Engagement Rates Will Drop If You Keep Doing This

agora pulse

As Instagram becomes more popular, cutting through the noise as a business and getting in front of your ideal customer can become a little harder to achieve. In this post we’ll go over some habits to drop if you want to increase Instagram engagement rates for your brand or business. Posting Inconsistently. Social media marketing is a commitment!

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How Serious Is Snapchat’s Power, Really?

Convince & Convert

Editor’s Note: This post is one of Convince & Convert’s Top 10 Posts of 2016. Image via Unsplash. Listen to this blog post as a podcast: My good friends at Edison Research handled the data gathering for my new book, Hug Your Haters , and we discovered that customer service is being massively disrupted. Now the Edison team is back with a new edition of their annual Infinite Dial research (they partner with Triton on it) and they’ve found another disruptive force: Snapchat.

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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How the Story of Good King Wenceslas and Boxing Day Traditions Apply to Your Business

The Social Media Hat

While you may not have read the lyrics of the Christmas Carol very closely, when we do, we find real life and business lessons in those verses! Let's take a look.

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Top 10 Most Anticipated Movies of 2017 [Infographic]


December brings cold weather and anticipation of the coming year’s blockbusters. Although generally unswayed by… Read More.


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Favorite Instagram Accounts of 2016

Jenn's Trends

Anyone who uses Instagram for more than a few seconds has their favorite Instagram accounts. We’re all drawn to different accounts for different reasons and we follow all sorts of different accounts. I have my faves for business, social media, celebrities, friends, and more. There are millions of people (over 600 million, actually) who are… The post Favorite Instagram Accounts of 2016 appeared first on Jenn's Trends.

Instagram 113
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RIP: Social Media Networks & Features that Died in 2016

Ignite Social Media

Needless to say, a lot of newsworthy events happened in 2016. The social media space saw many changes as well. Social media networks constantly have to improve and evolve in order to stay relevant. This post will revisit some of the social media networks and channel features that didn’t make it to 2017. Vine. We will start with maybe one of the more shocking channels that saw its last updates in 2016, Vine.

Features 113
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How To Keep Track Of Your Video Marketing ROI: Profitable Online Video


Video marketing is one of the biggest developments in business marketing in recent years. With it, you are able to reach out to more people and provide more information than other marketing methods. This is why it is often recommended as part of your business’ overall promotional strategy. But one question those just coming into […]. The post How To Keep Track Of Your Video Marketing ROI: Profitable Online Video appeared first on Devumi.

ROI 110
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Instagram Hashtag Mistakes You Want to Avoid

agora pulse

Hashtags are an essential part of marketing on Instagram, so you want to make sure that this is something you get right. Hashtags must be carefully thought out, well researched, and exceptionally engaging if your followers are going to use them. Unfortunately, most businesses make the same five hashtag mistakes on Instagram. In this post, we’re going to look at each of the common Instagram hashtag mistakes and how to avoid them. 1.

Hashtag 117
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Social Media Automation 101

A beginner's guide to social media automation tools and getting automation right.

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Social Media Recap: December 2016


Kicking things off for December, a Five by Five report via Business Insider shows that… Read More.

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Bye Bye Buy Buttons | Social You Should Know

Ignite Social Media

As we get ready to say goodbye to 2016 we’re also saying Bye Bye Buy Buttons, checking out my big 2017 Facebook “Prediction” and taking a look at Snapchat’s big move with the NFL. All this and more in this week’s Social You Should Know. Bye Bye Buy Buttons. Earlier this year, Digiday reported that buy buttons weren’t taking off on platforms like Instagram and Pinterest.

Buy 112
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4 Easy Infographic Template Tools for Stunning Infographics

Socially Sorted

Want to use easy Infographic Template Tools to create stunning infographics… but don’t know where to start? . Infographics are a proven way to attract attention and traffic to your website over many years. . In this post I s hare 4 Infographic Template Tools for creating infographics easily and quickly… even if you are not a designer. .

Template 102
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5 Tips for Sending Effective Cold Emails That Will Generate a Response

Social Selling Masters

The overall effectiveness of email marketing has been debated over the past few years. Some conclude that cold emails are simply ineffective and potentially a waste of time.

Tips 94
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The Content Marketing Survival Guide: How to Navigate the Wilds of Social Media

Use this guide to inspire your creativity and ignite more successful and sustainable social media conversations.

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3 Inspiring B2B Social Media Campaigns


B2B companies often feel handicapped in their efforts to market on social media. Typically, they… Read More.

B2B 121
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Social Media for Real Estate Agents: Get More Clients


Real estate, like almost every other professional field in the world, has undergone a major disruption. The digital era is with us, and thanks to that fact social media for real estate agents has taken over most forms of online marketing for this field. Years ago, when the Yellow Pages ruled this planet, realtors relied […]. The post Social Media for Real Estate Agents: Get More Clients appeared first on Devumi.

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5 Tips for Sending Effective Cold Emails That Will Generate a Response

Koka Sexton

The overall effectiveness of email marketing has been debated over the past few years. Some conclude that cold emails are simply ineffective and potentially a waste of time. The truth of the matter is that cold emails can be enormously effective, but they need to be planned out extensively. Sending out emails haphazardly will never be beneficial to lead generation.

Tips 82
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If Your Agency Is Not Consulting, Then What Is It Doing?

Twist Image

For marketing agencies to survive, they must start looking more like the consultants. This is one of the bigger themes that seems to be cropping up lately in the marketing industry. It's happening for a bunch of reasons. There is a large push from brands to develop in-house marketing capabilities. This is not only a smart move, but a strategic one as well.

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Social Media Marketing GPS

SMGPS will tell you the why & how to use social media for marketing, 1 tweet at a time. You'll learn essentials in digestible little spoonfuls.

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Social Sidekick 1/15-1/22: Social Holidays, Themes, and Noteworthy Events


Congratulations! You've made it to the first long weekend of 2017. Honor the legacy of… Read More.

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How to Optimize Your Social Media Workflow

Sprout Social

Managing your social media workflow in the constant chatter of Tweets, Likes and Direct Messages can be tough. A social media manager’s work is never done and it seems like a new task gets added to your checklist every week. Whether you manage social media full time or if it’s a small part of your job description, a good workflow will get your productivity flowing at its maximum.

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What to do After Buying LinkedIn Followers for your Company


Just like other social media platforms, followers play an important role in the success of a company on LinkedIn. In particular, the more followers you have, the more prominent your brand becomes. This is why companies often turn to buying LinkedIn followers. One major question that companies ask about buying followers is: How can they use […].

Buy 60
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When Technology Knows More Than You

Twist Image

What really gets you excited about technology? Personally, it's one simple (yet complex) thing: technology blows my mind when it knows (and does) more than a human ever could. Maybe this is why stuff like YouTube , Twitter , etc. never really blew me away. Streaming videos online or following people in 120 characters or less. not exactly stuff we didn't see/imagine before.

Data 69
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How to Be Social: A Social Media Manifesto

Learn the 10 worst social media marketing mistakes and how to avoid them.

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Top 10 Travel Marketing Conferences of 2017


We’ve put together our list of the 10 must-attend travel marketing conferences of 2017 for anyone looking to network with top travel professionals, learn about emerging trends, and build out an innovative tourism marketing strategy that speaks to today’s travelers. The NY Times Travel Show : New York City, NY (January 27 – 29 2017). Featuring cultural performances spread across five stages, the New York Times Travel show takes visitors on a trip around the globe while offering a wide range of ac

Travel 47
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How Team Sprout Uses Message Tagging for Product Development

Sprout Social

As our business has grown so has our customer base. As exciting as this is, the need to stay on top of brand-to-customer communication has become even more important. While it may seem overwhelming to think about managing customer feedback, you don’t need an entire customer service department to organize and address customer queries. Here at Sprout, we believe that open communication between consumers and brands creates progress.

Team 60
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#141: Where Should I Spend My Money As I Build My Online Business?

Amy Porterfield

Of the hundreds of online tools and resources out there— and there are hundreds—it’s tough to know where to spend money and where to save. My team and I have used many and have found the ‘tried and true’ tools that will assist you for the long run and give you the resources you need […]. The post #141: Where Should I Spend My Money As I Build My Online Business?

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Display Advertising Is A Failed State

Twist Image

Display advertising has a huge problem. It's all going to come to head in 2017. There is only so long that this charade can go on. When someone says that the 30-second spot is dead or that television advertising (or newspaper advertising. or radio advertising) is dying because of online advertising, they could not be more incorrect. On one had, the smart advertisers are finding a tremendous amount of value in certain online/digital advertising channels (think about search engine marketing, affil

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8 Stupid Simple Social Media Tricks to Boost SEO

Discover just how easy it is to boost SEO with social media.

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Your Epic End-of-Year Blog Audit Checklist: Where You’ve Been and Where You’re Headed!


It’s time. There’s not a single day left of 2016 to blog on! You’ve done all you can, and you should be proud – no step, no matter how small, is too small. Had a gangbusters year? Good on you! Had a small year? I bet you’re further than you used to be! Now that’s progress. The best way to look over all you’ve done and gather your thoughts about where you’d rather be next year is to go through your blog and social media and audit your performance.

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10 Standout Social Media Marketing Examples From 2016

Sprout Social

With the year coming to a close, it’s time set your eyes toward 2017. What social media tactics and strategies do you have planned for the new year? In order to help get those creative juices flowing, we’ve put together a list of some of the top social media marketing examples of 2016. Instead of copying these examples, use them as inspiration.

Examples 111
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3 Tips for Using Social Media for B2B Marketing

Webbiquity SMM

Guest post by Larry Alton. Social media can be a great business tool to use for marketing, sales, PR, customer service, and HR. However, most of what’s written about social media functionality on a professional level tends to be focused on businesses that work directly with consumers (B2C) rather than B2B enterprises. Image credit: Jason Howle on Flickr.

B2B 204
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The Persistence Of Brands

Twist Image

"Nobody wants to be branded anymore," said Aaron Levine, head designer for Abercrombie & Fitch. Well, if that line from the Wall Street Journal 's article, Crocodiles (and Polo Ponies) Go Missing as Scalpel-Wielding Consumers Revolt , doesn't make your marketing brain stand up and take notice, who knows what will? There's nothing (really) new in this article.

Brands 63
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ProBlogger Most Popular Posts on Social Media 2016


Well it’s no secret, and probably not much of a surprise, to find that Facebook dominated the search results in social media this year on ProBlogger! The algorithm changed so much and left us all scrambling to figure out how to still reach our audience on the world’s biggest community-connecting platform. Never fear folks, we had the best people on the job!