February, 2016

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Four theories on the declining trust in Canadian social media

Dave Fleet

Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending my seventh Edelman Trust Barometer launch event in Toronto. This year’s results are some of the most interesting I’ve seen, highlighting a disparity in trust amongst what we call the “informed” public and the mass population, and the ongoing failure of businesses to live up to the expectations that people have of them when it comes to societal good (you can see the full results on SlideShare ).

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5 Striking Characteristics for Successful Logos

Harp Interactive

Categories: Branding Tags: branding , identity , logo design How many brand logos do you think you see in a single day? Probably more than you can count. Strive to create a logo that stands apart and turns heads by keeping these five characteristics of a striking logo in mind. ( Read more. ).

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33 Thought-Provoking B2B Social Media and Marketing Stats

Webbiquity SMM

As noted in the 2016 B2B Marketing Trends report , B2B marketing strategies and practices are in the midst of significant change, driven by new technologies and evolving buyer expectations for more “consumer-like” experiences. These changes are affecting tactics, budgets, messaging, and metrics as illustrated in the compilation of B2B marketing facts and statistics below.

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Twitter Best Practices For 2016


Brands ask their customers for a lot on Twitter—follows, likes, retweets—all the time, but they’re awful about returning the love. How can this be remedied? Check out my three Twitter best practices for 2016 and beyond! Twitter Best Practices For 2016. 1. Respond. Study after study after study has shown that brands do a dismal job at responding their customers on Twitter.

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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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Facebook Canvas: How to Create an Immersive Facebook Ads Experience

Jon Loomer

Watch a video walkthrough of Facebook Canvas here… Facebook Canvas is a pretty amazing way to provide users an immersive, mobile experience through ads. How do I describe what these things are for people who haven’t seen them before? Well, they’re similar to Instant Articles , which allow publishers to share their content in an instantaneous fashion, bypassing slow load times.

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Monday Roundup: Optimizing Your Campaigns

Waxing UnLyrical

Campaigns and events take a lot of planning and effort. So why not make the most of them… right? Here are some ideas on how to optimize your campaigns… and on a day that comes only once every four years, no less! 1. 8 Google AdWords Hacks That’ll Double Your Conversion Rate. Why: “To avoid wasting your time and money on AdWords, pay attention to the factors that determine long-term success,” writes Neil Patel as he goes over ways to “be smarter with your campaigns.&

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Across the USA by Train… With Kids and For $0

Techipedia: Tamar Weinberg

This post isn’t about anything I normally write about. However, another viral post stemmed my desire to write about my own train experience. This is my opinion of an exciting opportunity that I encourage you to experience at least once in your lifetime. Oh, and by the way, this is an article for the average Joe, not the average Amtrak railfan.

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5 Social Media & Digital Marketing “Must Haves” for 2016


With so many social media and digital marketing options now available, it can be overwhelming to know what you should be doing first. At the same time, it’s also very exciting times for marketers and business owners, to have so many powerful marketing tools to escalate and grow their business, sales and exposure. In this Part One, I recommend concentrating on and implementing the following “Must Have” tactics in 2016 to see fast, powerful and reliable results in your marketing and sales fo

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My Reaction To Facebook Reactions

SocMed Sean

Yes, they’re here… and they’re taking the digital world by storm like Beatlemania! The end-all-be-all-amazing-wonderous-supercalifragiliticexpialousdocius Facebook reactions. Now we can FINALLY respond to people’s posts with more than a simple “like” by also including “love”, “haha”, “wow”, “sad” and “angry” to our responses to posts.

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49 Noteworthy Social Networking Stats and Facts

Webbiquity SMM

Though new social networks continue to be launched (e.g. SnapChat , Blab ) and some disappear (anyone remember Pownce or Friendster ?), the “big three” among both consumers and marketers continue to thrive and dominate. But there are no guarantees that leadership will last, and the social networking landscape is constantly evolving. As noted below, Instagram is taking off (nearly a third of U.S. marketers used the site in 2015, and that figure is expected to approach 70% by 2017) whi

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Social Media Automation 101

A beginner's guide to social media automation tools and getting automation right.

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Putting the “We” in Community

Waxing UnLyrical

In the social space, there’s a lot of talk about “community.” We hear it all the time and, rightly so; because community is just that important. Like Rome, however, a community can’t be built in a day. It takes effort and time; two elements that many companies and businesses don’t want to invest in. But community is a funny thing; you’re either all in, or you’re out.

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Firebelly Begins Work With Gnarly Grove Hard Cider


We’re excited to announce that we have recently started working with Gnarly Grove Hard Cider. Gnarly Grove Hard Cider, crafted in Indiana, is naturally gluten-free, made from 100% fresh pressed apple cider and available in two flavors—Original Blend and Legendberry. Firebelly will be providing a combination of social media strategy, social media management and social ad management services.

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Storytelling Gone Wild: The Key to Creating Viral Content

Buzz Marketing for Technology

This week I moderated another Social Media Today webinar as part of their Best Thinker webinar series, this time on the topic of Storytelling Gone Wild: The Key to Creating Viral Content. This webinar featured James Hilliard (@ hillyprods ) President & Executive Webcast Producer for Hilly Productions, Bree Baich (@ BreeBaich ) Transmedia Mastermind “The Storyteller“for SAS Institute and Jamie Turner (@ AskJamieTurner ) CEO of SIXTY.

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The Rise and Rise of Emojis – Is The Way We Communicate on Social Changing?


Emojis: Another language that is easy to learn but hard to master for brands. Whether we like it or not, the way we communicate on social media is changing. Just last year, Oxford Dictionary named “Face with Tears of Joy” Word of the Year 2015. SwiftKey also found it to be the most popular emoji across the world. So what is it that is so appealing about emojis in the digital age?

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The Content Marketing Survival Guide: How to Navigate the Wilds of Social Media

Use this guide to inspire your creativity and ignite more successful and sustainable social media conversations.

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Is Setting Your Facebook Profile To Private Really Enough To Protect Your Privacy?

SocMed Sean

This week we welcome guest author Cassie Phillips, a technology and internet security blogger. She loves social networking and wants to share her knowledge with other users so they can protect themselves, making the internet a safer place. Today, Cassie shares some insights about privacy issues related specifically to Facebook. You can also check out some of Cassie’s other tips on Twitter at @SecureThoughtsC Facebook Privacy is an on-going concern.

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7 Tactful Ways of Facing The Horrors of Digital Marketing

Webbiquity SMM

Guest post by Philip Masterson. Digital marketing is growing rapidly. It’s the primary channel for every startup, given its expansive reach and capability to provide quick and detailed results. Compared to traditional marketing mediums, digital marketing is definitely cheaper, too. So far, so good. However, like everything else, there are horror stories that haunt digital marketing too.

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Snapchat: An Emerging Platform for Teamwork and Collaboration

Waxing UnLyrical

Guest Post by Karen Freberg. Snapchat has become one of the most popular and talked about platforms for 2016. Even during the Super Bowl, we saw brands such as Marriott, Amazon, and even Gatorade jump on board, with ads just on Snapchat. In addition, there are other brands that advertised during football’s biggest night that you may want to check out.

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Social Media Updates January


The first month of 2016 is behind us and we’re already in February! There have been some important social media updates in January. These updates will keep you informed of the latest changes to social media channels, and in turn, give you the knowledge to help you optimize and improve social media marketing for your business. Facebook. Facebook Introduces Audience Optimization for Publishers: Do you want more organic engagement for your posts?

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Social Media Marketing GPS

SMGPS will tell you the why & how to use social media for marketing, 1 tweet at a time. You'll learn essentials in digestible little spoonfuls.

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Social Listening: Harness Marketing Insights from Consumer Conversations

Buzz Marketing for Technology

This week I moderated another Social Media Today webinar as part of their Best Thinker webinar series, this time on the topic of Social Listening: Harness Marketing Insights from Consumer Conversations. This webinar featured Kevin Hack (@ kevinhack ) head of Social Intelligence in Global Digital Marketing Advancement at The Hershey Company, Kendra Simpson (@ Kfoley ) Director of Communications at Kohler Company, Drew Neisser (@ DrewNeisser ) founder and CEO of Renegade and Will McInnes (@ willm

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Heather Chapman Joins The Firebelly Team


We’re excited to announce that Heather Chapman has joined the Firebelly team as a social media manager. Get to know a little bit about her below! Favorite social networks: Snapchat and Pinterest. Most-used hashtag: #MyKindOfCrazy. Favorite emoji: Thoughts on selfie sticks: I don’t own one, but do what you’ve gotta do. My wing span is pretty legit.

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The Second Most Important Button On LinkedIn And Why You Should Click It

SocMed Sean

LinkedIn has been getting pretty annoying lately. In case you haven’t noticed, content like recipes, quizzes, and family photos are starting to creep into the network. Instead of using LinkedIn as a professional social network to share career accomplishments or opportunities, some folks are posting personal content because (like it or not) it drives engagement.

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20 Tremendous Digital Marketing Stats and Facts

Webbiquity SMM

Digital marketing budgets continue to rise, often at the expense of offline advertising spend. But digital marketers must continue to evolve practices as they strive to make their content an asset, rather than an annoyance, to prospective buyers. Image credit: MarketingProfs. But likely the most significant finding from recent research (see below) is this: the average person now spends more time online than with TV and all other media (newspapers, magazines, etc.) combined.

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How to Be Social: A Social Media Manifesto

Learn the 10 worst social media marketing mistakes and how to avoid them.

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Monday Roundup: Collaboration

Waxing UnLyrical

You know how they say there’s no “I” in “team”? Well, there’s no “I” in “success,” either. So this week’s roundup focuses on how collaboration can play a major role in successful campaigns and projects. 1. Collaboration Tools for Social Media Teams: You Don’t Have to Do It All Alone.

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The Ultimate Guide to the Best Social Media Image Sizes

Rebekah Radice

Ever wonder what the best social media image sizes are for each social network? Or how to make sure elements within your cover photos and posts meet the site specifications? In a world where change is constant, keeping up can feel next to impossible. But with the ever-increasing importance of visual marketing , staying up-to-date is a must. Did you know that… Visual content receives 94% more views than content without an image?

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Omni-Channel Marketing: Creating the Right Mix for Your Brand

Buzz Marketing for Technology

This week I moderated another Social Media Today webinar as part of their Best Thinker webinar series, this time on the topic of Omni-Channel Marketing: Creating the Right Mix for Your Brand. This webinar featured Martin Jones (@ martinjonesaz ) Senior Marketing Manager & Social Media at Cox Communications, Jahvita Rastafari (@ Jrastafari ) Social Media Manager at Act-On and Matt Hannaford (@ mhannaford ) Integrated Marketing Analyst at Union+Webster.

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How to Determine and Prioritize Social Media Marketing Goals and Objectives

Pam Moore

Achieving measurable social media ROI is very similar to teens and sex. Everyone is talking about it but very few are actually doing it! It’s interesting because many marketing and social media leaders within brands and organizations of all sizes dream about achieving real ROI using social media and digital marketing, yet very few of them actually bring to fruition much more than a social media dream.

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8 Stupid Simple Social Media Tricks to Boost SEO

Discover just how easy it is to boost SEO with social media.

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Social Media Comic – Anti-Social Social Media Experts

SocMed Sean

You know them…the social media “experts”, “wizards”, or “gurus” who are just too important to make time for the “little people” of the world. They’re too busy promoting their latest book on how to engage, but don’t have time to respond to personal emails or @ tweets. They love to present case studies at conferences, but have no practical experience actually engaging in the social media space because they are too busy jetting from

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4 Examples of an Evergreen Facebook Campaign Trigger

Jon Loomer

A little more than three weeks ago, I published a blog post about how to create an evergreen Facebook ad campaign. It was so popular that I’ll be hosting a 90-minute virtual workshop on the topic this Wednesday for Power Hitters Club Members. [NOTE: If you aren’t yet a member of the Power Hitters Club, you can join in order to get access to this workshop.].

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#measurePR Recap (Feb 2016): Measuring Community

Waxing UnLyrical

Seeing as how February, as a month, is all about love, I wanted to focus this month’s #measurePR chat on the folks who give us the most love in our businesses: our community. So the February chat welcomed a trio of terrific guests: Post Planner CMO Rebekah Radice , Rosemary O’Neill of Hoop.la, and Karen Freberg , Assistant Professor of Strategic Communication at the University of Louisville.

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How to Improve Social Media Results With Data

Rebekah Radice

Do you want to improve your social media results? Looking for ways to better understand your audience? The key is being data informed. Sound scary? It doesn’t have to be. In fact, it can be simple, rewarding and enlightening. Believe it or not, knowing what your audience wants unlocks opportunity. Not only does it lead to increased connections, but also conversations and conversions.

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Social Distraction (AKA Media) Adventures


Diving into the Social Media pool was like taking a dip in shadowy shark infested waters to me. For the sake of business (and after much contemplation), I decided to get brave and dipped in just one toe. I’m not sure I’m swimming yet, but I am enjoying floating about, so I thought I’d let you know what I learned. If you’re ready for an adventure, that is.