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Will the CoTweet gamble pay off?

Sherrilynne Starkie

CoTweet , the easy-to-use and fantastically handy social media tool that lets many individuals to collaborate on publishing content on Twitter, is going the way of the Dodo in a few weeks. CoTweet will cease to be and SocialEngage will not offer a free service. Image via CrunchBase. ” Commenters on the blog are not at all happy.

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Email - the Silent E

Social Media Marketing

Exactly what the doctor Co-ordered The final bit of evidence in this trio of evidence toward email was the news today: CoTweet Acquired by ExactTarget. And ExactTarget is a premier leader in email marketing, and their acquisition of CoTweet underscores how email and the social media space are converging.

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6 Timely Tips for Twitter Success

Convince & Convert

Or, use the free version of Cotweet or Hootsuite to scan or filter your public Twitter stream by Klout score. (A Find Your Influencers. Not all Twitter followers have equal ability to amplify. Use to find the most influential followers in your network. A score over 30 is fairly influential).

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Why Looking in the Mirror Make an Ass Out of U and Me

Convince & Convert

However, research from ExactTarget and CoTweet (disclosure: both are clients) found that 65% of Facebook users do not log-in during the workday, but rather at night and on weekends. However, the ExactTarget/CoTweet research found that 70% of consumer do not believe that clicking “like&# means “it’s okay to market to me&#.

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It's Not Me. It's You

Twist Image

" And with that information from a new Exact Target and CoTweet report , we also learn that: "Fifty-five percent of Facebook users have liked a company and then decided they no longer wanted to see its posts. In addition, 51% say they rarely or never visit a brand once they have liked it. communications. customer relationship.

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Why You’re Pissing Off Half Your Facebook Fans

Convince & Convert

New research from ExactTarget and CoTweet (clients) called “The Social Break-up&# studied why consumers turn their backs on social and email connections with brands. Those are just the operational challenges. The bigger gauntlet for marketers on Facebook is sociological. Specifically, nobody knows what the hell Facebook is for.

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Emailvision Acquires Social Media Marketing Company ObjectiveMarketer

Stay N' Alive

One of the most recent successes in that portfolio you may be familiar with was CoTweet , which was acquired by the Marketing firm ExactTarget. The first, more famous acquisition was the CoTweet acquisition by ExactTarget, which I mentioned earlier.

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