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How to Edit YouTube Videos: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Realtime Report

How to Edit YouTube Videos: A Step-by-Step Guide Creating an engaging YouTube video doesn’t stop with filming; the real magic happens in the editing room. Effective editing transforms raw footage into a polished, compelling story that captivates viewers. Whether you’re a novice or seeking to refine your skills, this guide will provide you with the necessary steps to edit YouTube videos like a professional.

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Filling the Void: How AI Identifies and Closes Content Gaps with Andy Crestodina

The Social Media Hat

Episode 6 of the AI in Marketing: Unpacked podcast, with Andy Crestodina The post Filling the Void: How AI Identifies and Closes Content Gaps with Andy Crestodina appeared first on The Social Media Hat.

Content 172

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Key Trends Shaping the Future of Home Construction

The Realtime Report

Key Trends Shaping the Future of Home Construction Key Takeaways: Sustainability is becoming an essential aspect of construction practices. Technologies such as smart homes and 3D printing are driving innovation in the building process. Consumer demands have shifted towards minimalist design and energy efficiency. Prefabricated and modular homes are becoming popular due to their cost and time-saving benefits.

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The Top Sources and Trends in B2B Website Traffic

Webbiquity SMM

B2B marketers have been on a wild ride over the past five years, as the economy went into and then came out of COVID-era shutdowns. How have the primary drivers of B2B website traffic changed, particularly search and social media? How do those trends vary between different segments like enterprise software, B2B professional services, and B2B healthcare?

B2B 142
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21 Advanced ChatGPT Prompts To Take Your Social Media to the Next Level

Upgrade your social media game with our in-depth playbook: "21 advanced ChatGPT prompts for social media managers". These powerful prompts are tailored to supercharge your content creation, strategy development, and results analysis. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless creativity as you effortlessly generate engaging posts, come up with original strategies, and optimize your social media performance - all in a fraction of the time.

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Video View Remarketing is Mostly Worthless

Jon Loomer

Now there are exceptions, but let me explain… A common strategy is to use video ads to create a funnel. You create one ad set optimized for ThruPlay to promote a video. You create a custom audience of the people who watched that video. And then you create a separate campaign to target the people who watched the original video. The Problem The problem is that the quality of these views is almost always terrible.

Video 126
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Instagram Chief Shares Insights Into its Algorithms, Creator Monetization, and More

Social Media Today

Adam Mosseri shared a range of insights and perspective in an extended interview.

Instagram 176

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Apple Unveils “Apple Intelligence” AI Features for iPhones


Apple Inc. has taken a significant step forward in the world of artificial intelligence (AI) with its latest initiative, “Apple Intelligence.” During the company’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference, CEO Tim Cook revealed details about this generative AI strategy, promising exciting enhancements for iPhone users. In a groundbreaking move, Apple Inc. unveiled its latest initiative: “Apple Intelligence.

Apple 104
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Unskippable Ad Breaks on Instagram

Jon Loomer

Last week, Dan Levy reported seeing a new ad experience in his Instagram feed. While scrolling, he was forced to stop. Then a timer started with the words Ad Break and he was forced to watch the video ad before scrolling again. While unskippable video ads aren’t new for Meta, I don’t think we’ve seen anything like this in feeds before. This Is A Test Meta confirmed with TechCrunch that this is indeed a test: We’re always testing formats that can drive value for advertisers.

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Instagram’s Experimenting With Virtual Pets for Stories

Social Media Today

A new way to incentivize IG Stories engagement may be on the horizon via virtual pets that change in appearance based on how many likes a post gets.

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How changes in the UEFA Euro audience are making space for new industry sponsorships


Discover how the changes in the UEFA Euro audience is creating new sponsorship opportunities. Learn which brands should use this tournament as a stage to target new Gen Z, female, and globally diverse fans.

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Social Media Automation 101

A beginner's guide to social media automation tools and getting automation right.

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How to Stay Productive as a Social Media Manager


Social media managers do it all – literally. Sheldon Bruck went Behind the Post to reveal how he stays productive while juggling multiple responsibilities as a Social Media and Community Manager. Listen to the Podcast: Or subscribe on Spotify , Apple Podcasts , or YouTube Watch the live recording: Episode Summary Social Media Managers wear many hats.

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The AI Tactic That’s Saving Me Hours Every Week: the Custom GPT

The Social Media Hat

Learn the purpose of Custom GPTs, and how to use them, with examples. The post The AI Tactic That’s Saving Me Hours Every Week: the Custom GPT appeared first on The Social Media Hat.

Examples 102
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The Reality of AI Adoption in B2B Marketing


The Marketing AI Institute’s fabulous AI for B2B Marketers Summit today delivered tons of strategies and tactics on how AI can revolutionize business-to-business marketing and drive company growth. At the virtual event, I moderated a barnburner of a panel The Reality of AI Adoption in B2B Marketing. I'm sharing some highlights here.

B2B 98
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Instagram Clarifies Advice on Single Word CTAs and Longer Reels

Social Media Today

Instagram sparked confusion recently when it noted that single word comments can trigger anti-spam meaures.

Instagram 172
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The Content Marketing Survival Guide: How to Navigate the Wilds of Social Media

Use this guide to inspire your creativity and ignite more successful and sustainable social media conversations.

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[Product Update] Enhanced segmentation with cluster count control, new interest categories visual, and much more!


We are thrilled to share some exciting updates that will enhance your experience and amplify your capabilities within Audiense products. We value your feedback and continuously strive to improve our platforms to better serve your needs.

Products 103
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Digital Marketing Importance: Why It's Crucial for Business Success

Sociallyin Insider Blog

SUMMARY The Power Of Digital Marketing For Businesses The Shift From Traditional To Digital Marketing The Advantages Of Digital Marketing Over Traditional Methods The Projected Growth Of The Digital Advertising And Marketing Market Leveling the Playing Field for Small Businesses How Digital Marketing Enables Small Businesses to Compete with Larger Brands Success Stories of Small Businesses Leveraging Digital Marketing Connecting With The Online Customer Base Understanding The Behavior And Prefer

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Breaking Ground: The latest Sprout updates you need to know about

Sprout Social

If you can believe it, Sprout recently celebrated its 14th anniversary. Thinking back on what social media looked like in 2010—Pinterest and Instagram had just launched, Vine and Google+ weren’t even around yet—it’s safe to say our industry has endured more than one evolution over the last few years. Through that time, our north star has always been to help our customers not just manage but maximize the power of social.

Hotels 95
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#685: The #1 Thing You Can Do As An Entrepreneur To Avoid Burnout

Amy Porterfield

Listen on… Turning your FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) into JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out) so you never feel burnt out again. Ever feel like you’re just stretched […] The post #685: The #1 Thing You Can Do As An Entrepreneur To Avoid Burnout appeared first on Amy Porterfield | Online Marketing Expert.

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Social Media Marketing GPS

SMGPS will tell you the why & how to use social media for marketing, 1 tweet at a time. You'll learn essentials in digestible little spoonfuls.

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Instagram Clarifies Advice on Single Word CTAs and Longer Reels

Social Media Today

Instagram sparked confusion recently when it noted that single word comments can trigger anti-spam measures.

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Social Listening vs. Social Monitoring: How To Use Both in 2024


If you’ve ever wondered about the difference between social listening vs. social monitoring, we’re here to fill you in. They may sound similar, but in terms of execution and strategic purpose, they’re quite different. While social listening is more high-level and proactive, social monitoring tends to be more reactive and on a smaller scale.

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3 tips for maintaining advocacy program engagement


The power of employee advocacy in supercharging your social media strategy should not be underestimated. It’s a game-changing approach for businesses aiming to expand their reach, enhance engagement, and elevate credibility. Research shows that content shared by employees receives 8x more engagement than content shared by brand channels. As well as this, leads generated through employee advocacy are 7x more likely to convert compared to other leads.

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Fans First Banana Ball Delights at Sold Out Fenway Park Game


When Jesse Cole was a baseball-loving kid growing up near Boston, he dreamed of playing at Fenway Park. On Saturday, his Savannah Bananas , the team he’s owned since 2016, played their debut at Fenway, delighting the largest crowd at the storied ballpark this year. This is a story of the powerful results of putting fans first.

Team 62
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How to Be Social: A Social Media Manifesto

Learn the 10 worst social media marketing mistakes and how to avoid them.

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#687: Calm Amidst Chaos: How To Keep Calm When Things Go Wrong

Amy Porterfield

Listen on… How to avoid having “desperate energy”, making frantic decisions, and being in complete panic mode in your business. If I had to guess, I would say […] The post #687: Calm Amidst Chaos: How To Keep Calm When Things Go Wrong appeared first on Amy Porterfield | Online Marketing Expert.

Energy 56
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Threads May Be Looking to Change How Hashtags Work in the App

Social Media Today

The Threads team is seemingly experimenting with a new format for topic tags.

Hashtag 156
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Higher education social media strategy: How Gettysburg College makes the grade

Sprout Social

An effective higher education social media strategy has to appeal to various audiences: current students, prospective students, alumni, staff, donors, fans, families and more. Each of these communities is unique, yet they all contribute to one shared college experience. Addressing the needs and interests of multiple audiences calls for a commitment to data, collaboration and tailored messaging.

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The Ultimate Instagram Live Playbook With Strategies For Success

Engagement nowadays is a two-way street. Businesses need to utilize platforms that enable that. One such avenue is live commerce. It allows real-time engagement where fans can tune in and let their sentiments and questions be known immediately. Thus, unsurprisingly, live commerce has a conversion rate 10 times higher compared to traditional e-commerce methods.

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8 Stupid Simple Social Media Tricks to Boost SEO

Discover just how easy it is to boost SEO with social media.

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7 Components Every Lead Generation Landing Page Must Have


You’ll find one element in every B2B marketing success story: a high-quality lead is a lead that has true potential to convert. Generating high-quality leads is what all your marketing efforts come down to, and a lead generation landing page is a pivotal moment in the journey down your sales funnel. How do you evaluate how good your landing page is?

B2B 62
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#686: From Anonymous to A-List: How Susie Moore Built Her Business From The Ground Up By Leveraging Media

Amy Porterfield

Listen on… Mastering your media strategy so you can connect directly with your ideal audience, gain credibility, and scale your business. Imagine if you had the chance to […] The post #686: From Anonymous to A-List: How Susie Moore Built Her Business From The Ground Up By Leveraging Media appeared first on Amy Porterfield | Online Marketing Expert.

List 60
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Instagram May Soon Enable You to Cross-Post Stories to WhatsApp

Social Media Today

This could be an interesting way to expand your audience reach.

Instagram 167
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TikTok Live Stream Rules: Age Limit, Guidelines & More

Sociallyin Insider Blog

SUMMARY TikTok Live Stream Age Requirement And Follower Count Minimum Age For Live Streaming On TikTok Follower Threshold To Unlock Live Streaming Feature TikTok Community Guidelines For Live Streaming Adherence To General TikTok Community Guidelines Copyright Considerations, Especially Music Reviewing Live Stream Rules Before Going Live Consequences Of Violating Live Stream Guidelines Tips For Creating Successful TikTok Live Streams Optimal Live Stream Duration Setting Up A Professional Live St

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Social Listening Vs. Social Monitoring: What’s The Difference?

Have you ever wondered about the difference between social media monitoring and listening? When we talk about social monitoring, we’re focusing on the “what” – understanding what’s being said about your brand. On the other hand, social listening is like tuning in to your audience’s favorite radio station. It’s about understanding the “why,” gaining a deep understanding of your audience, and refining your campaign strategy.