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The FASTForward Blog " Managing Personal Knowledge: Setting a Foundation for Transformation? : Enterprise 2.0 Blog: News, Coverage, and Commentary

Buzz Marketing for Technology

Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. Japanese Business Culture & Social Computing. fix Social Security? Old Media meets Social Media - KETC and the Mortgage Crisis - On the edge of launch. Mobile Messaging 2.0.

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Managing in the Virtual or Network(ed) Organization: News, views, and reviews of Work 2.0 tools, apps and practices

Buzz Marketing for Technology

Share: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. I wonder: Have you read “The Success of Open Source&# by Steven Weber? Notable + Quotable: mobile internet use, Digg, the Long Tail, and iPhone apps. Powered by Qumana. RELATED POSTS. Your comment.

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The Bamboo Project Blog

Buzz Marketing for Technology

If you see social media as primarily a more simple and efficient way for the usual experts to be able to share their opinions and content, then youre missing the point of the revolution. One of the big questions Im frequently asked about using social media is whether or not the tools "work." But Do They Work?

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