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10 Social Media Tools To Help With Your Crowdsourcing Efforts

Techipedia: Tamar Weinberg

Jon [link] Reply Tamar Weinberg January 12, 2010 at 10:53 am Jean-Hughes, I definitely need to try CoTweet. Reply manolo blahnik January 22, 2010 at 7:50 am Jean-Hughes, I definitely need to try CoTweet. I would also add [link] which is an excellent Twitter API.

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Super list of 50 social media links - Koka Sexton dot Com

Koka Sexton

blog with FeedBurner Social Media Release Criticism: Nine Points to Consider Social Media – Digg, MySpace,YouTube – Web 2.0

List 85
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20+ Cool Social Media and Web Tools

Webbiquity SMM

A quick and handy way to get a snapshot of the “social media rank&# of any website. Metrics include traffic stats from Alexa, Compete and Quantcast; backlinks and results by search engine; backlinks and mentions on the major social news sites and more. 5 Free B2B Marketing Tools by Modern B2B Marketing. Tweet This!

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