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What Traits Define a Social Media Marketer?

Techipedia: Tamar Weinberg

Social Media Consultant and Tech Geek at Heart Home About Press Consulting Contact Sitemap Home > Interviews , Marketing , Opinion , Social Media , Websites > What Traits Define a Social Media Marketer? What Traits Define a Social Media Marketer?

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October Trends + The 10 Horrors of Blogging


They were, in order: Halloween , Windows Phone , Brett Favre , Chilean Miners , Breast Cancer , ‘The Social Network’ , Jon Stewart , World Series , Kanye West , and Nobel Prize. We’ll use posts from Regator about these top stories to illustrate how you can avoid the ten horrors of blogging…. The Horror: Typo terrors.

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Blogosphere Trends + Effective Calls to Action


To give you some examples of these tips in action, I’ll use blog posts about the last month’s most-blogged-about stories, according to Regator (they are, in order: Japan , Libya , SXSW , Charlie Sheen , March Madness , AT&T , Elizabeth Taylor , St. Example: Social Times ’s “ 10 Ways To Help Japan Through Social Media ”.

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Blogosphere Trends + Readability Scoring


Blogger and “social media scientist” Dan Zarrella’s research found that posts written for lower grade levels were shared more often on Facebook—with those written on a second-grade level being shared about 40% more often than those written on a twelfth-grade level. Let us know in the comments! Post from: ProBlogger Blog Tips.