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Revisiting the Web 2.0 Dictionary - Part I

The Marketing Blog

Folksonomy – Tom is a ‘photographer’ and he wants to share his ‘Goa trip’ photographs via the web. As Thomas Vander Wal says, the folksonomy is a means for people to tag objects (web pages, photos, videos, podcasts, etc., The folksonomy is the structure. Group B also creates the second tag.

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Ross Mayfield's Weblog: Elevating the Enterprise 2.0 Conversation

Buzz Marketing for Technology

Its time to elevate the conversation beyond features (wiki, blog, RSS, social networking, etc.), Reddit Open Sources with CPAL. folksonomy. But of more interest, the use cases have evolved and practices are enabling new solutions that offer competitive advantage. community is uniquely prepared to solve. catalytics.

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Intranet Blog :: E-mail fatigue

Buzz Marketing for Technology

Previous: Open source solutions. If managed properly, the use of social media tools such as blogs and wikis can reduce e-mail volumes by as much as 30%. Furthermore, as a new generation of employees enter the workforce, more employees will begin to demand social media tools such as social networking sites.

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