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Buzz Marketing for Technology

While Im a longtime fan of , Im really growing to like citeULike , the "Academic" of Social Bookmarking. I wasnt aware of Kebberfegg, Buzz, or citeUlike -- I added them to my list of tools to check out. Yahoo Pipes Buzz Search is a similar product. Blog searches are topical as well. under toread.

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Top 200 Social Media Sites by Niche | Freelance Social Media

Freelance Social Media

Social Links Freelance Social Media Social Media Tips and Marketing Blog Home About Contact Subscribe Top 200 Social Media Sites by Niche by cinta5 on October 6, 2008 Tyler over at SMMGuru offered up the top 198 social media sites. Diigo Foxmarks Furl Lycos iQ Ma.gnolia Diigo Foxmarks Furl Lycos iQ Ma.gnolia

Sites 140

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122 Social Bookmarking Sites and How To Use Them

Little Web Giants

However, my ethical marketing friend, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! In Reddit, you can also find a relevant category, such as /r/SEO or /r/marketing/. Technology, Media & Marketing. These employed questionable tactics such as link wheel schemes and other deceptive practices. Academia & Research.

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77 Social Bookmarking Sites and How To Use Them

Little Web Giants

However, my ethical marketing friend, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! In Reddit, you can also find a relevant category, such as /r/SEO or /r/marketing/. Technology, Media & Marketing. These employed questionable tactics such as link wheel schemes and other deceptive practices. Academia & Research.