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Diva Marketing Talks Boomers Step Into Social Media With Des Walsh, Barbara Rozgonyi & Carlos Hernandez

Diva Marketing Blog

Des is co-author of LinkedIn for Recruiting, now in its second edition and an e-book for small businesses, 7 Step Business Blog, recently translated into Mandarin Chinese. He is an Associate of China-based company CultureFish Media, which assists companies promoting their business online in China.

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How to Make the Most of Your Social Media Budget

Sprout Social

The average amount businesses allocate toward their social media budget varies tremendously. Depending on the size of your company, whether or not you’re running social media ads or the number of handles you manage–costs can reach a few hundred dollars a month or several thousands. Content is fire, social media is gasoline.

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78 (of the) Best Social Media Marketing Tips, Guides, Tools and Strategies of 2010 (So Far)

Webbiquity SMM

Kevin Barenblat presentes a taxonomy of social media failure types, including “canned responders,&# spammers, lurkers and serial re-tweeters. Michiel Gaasterland shares his collected list of 500+ case studies, from small businesses to global brands around the globe.