As the world’s largest professional network and home to over 900 million users around the globe, LinkedIn is the place to make connections in your industry. However, your company page can easily blend in with the competition on this social platform. Fortunately, an optimized publishing strategy can help your page stand out from the crowd.

With a social media management tool, you have tons of options for posting, scheduling, and queueing content on LinkedIn. So where should you start? Let’s look at eight different ways to post to LinkedIn using Agorapulse. You can also sign up for a free trial and start posting (and more) on LinkedIn right now.

1. Schedule LinkedIn Content

Prefer planning ahead rather than publishing content at the moment? Whether you want to share content in five minutes or five months, you can quickly schedule LinkedIn posts on Agorapulse.

Start in the standard publisher, where you can create LinkedIn posts, and add links or images. Select “Schedule” before moving on to the next screen, and then choose the date and time for your post to go live.

How to schedule a post to LinkedIn on Agorapulse -- screenshot step 1

How to schedule a blog post on Agorapulse, step 1

Check that you’ve chosen the default option: scheduling the post once. Then click “Schedule” to add the content to your LinkedIn calendar.

How to schedule a post to LinkedIn on Agorapulse -- screenshot step 2

Step 2 of posting on LinkedIn with Agorapulse

2. Schedule Posts Again or Republish Regularly

If you want to maximize your company’s presence on LinkedIn, don’t stop with scheduling a post just once.

Instead, take advantage of Agorapulse’s options for scheduling posts again or republishing regularly.

To add your post to more than one-time slot, start the scheduling process, but select “Schedule again” instead of “Schedule once.”

Then select two, 10, or 100 times for your post to go live.

How to reschedule a post to LinkedIn on Agorapulse

Republish content on LinkedIn by using Agorapulse

Don’t want to choose posting times manually? Automate the scheduling process by selecting “Republish regularly.”

Then choose how often and how many times to republish the post to LinkedIn.

How to republish a post to LinkedIn on Agorapulse

Republish content on LinkedIn via Agorapulse

Don’t be shy about repeating content periodically, as this feature can drive impressive results.

As Agorapulse founder and CEO Emeric Ernoult discovered, republishing regularly is an effective way to get even more reach and engagement out of your posts to LinkedIn.

Bonus ideas for posting on LinkedIn:

3. Add LinkedIn Posts to an Agorapulse Queue Category

Scheduling a post to LinkedIn is perfect if you need your company’s content to go live at a specific time. But what if you just want the content to slot into a publishing pattern that works for your company?

Enter the content queue.

You have the choice to set up a social media publishing queue or not. If you don’t, it goes to default. However, you can choose a category.

Then when you’re ready to queue your post, select “Add to queue.”

Choose the appropriate category, and decide whether you want the post to appear at the beginning or end of the queue.

How to queue a post to LinkedIn on Agorapulse -- screenshot step 3

Example of how to queue a post to LinkedIn

With Agorapulse, there’s nothing stopping you from adding a LinkedIn post to queue categories more than once.

Select “Re-queue multiples times” to get the content on your social media calendar more than once.

How to requeue a post to LinkedIn on Agorapulse

Example of how to requeue a post on LinkedIn

post on LinkedIn

4. Bulk Upload from a CSV File

Prefer to publish in bulk rather than posting a single piece of content at a time? With Agorapulse’s bulk publisher, you can schedule up to 100 posts at once.

If you’ve already designed a content calendar for your LinkedIn company page, uploading a CSV file is the easiest way to publish in bulk with Agorapulse.

Upload your calendar, decide between adding content to a queue or scheduling posts at predetermined times, and then map the data.

How to bulk post to LinkedIn with CSV file -- screenshot step 4

Agorapulse screenshot of a bulk post to LinkedIn

You’ll always have the chance to review bulk LinkedIn uploads before the posts enter your schedule or queue. Need to get more mileage out of each post? You can choose to schedule more than once or republish regularly when you bulk post to LinkedIn.

5. Bulk Import Images

Want to create LinkedIn posts from curated images or a suite of photos from your clients? In the bulk publisher, select “Import your images” to upload pictures.

Choose between scheduling or queueing your content, and then spend some quality time reviewing each post.

How to bulk import images on Agorapulse -- screenshot step 5

Posting images without context won’t do much for your company’s LinkedIn page performance. But Agorapulse’s review panel allows you to add copy, links, hashtag groups, and UTM parameters to each image post.

Once your posts look perfect, queue or schedule once or more.

How to bulk import images on Agorapulse -- screenshot step 6

How to bulk import images on Agorapulse

6. Bulk Publish from a Website

Just want to post all the latest content from your company’s blog to LinkedIn then focus your efforts on social listening and community engagement? Select “Import from a website” in the bulk publisher, and get ready to save tons of time.

Simply type in the source URL, and Agorapulse will auto-populate the RSS feed. Select all or just some of the posts to publish, and choose between scheduling or adding to a queue.

How to bulk import website content on Agorapulse -- screenshot 6

How to bulk import website content

Want to give these posts a little extra exposure? You guessed it: You can re-queue or republish content from an RSS feed to give your LinkedIn posts added reach.

7. Post to LinkedIn with the Agorapulse Chrome extension

You might have a straightforward workflow for discovering and scheduling content on LinkedIn. But sometimes you read an article that you just have to share on your company page.

With the Agorapulse Chrome extension, sharing and scheduling posts to LinkedIn takes just seconds.

To use this handy tool, install the extension in your Chrome browser, and then press the extension shortcut to share a link. The Agorapulse app preloads the URL and article title, so all you have to do is select your LinkedIn company page and confirm your publishing preferences.

How to use the Chrome extension to post on Agorapulse -- screenshot step 7

Chrome extension screenshot

8. Publish to Multiple Social Platforms

From breaking news to stories you know will resonate with followers, sometimes you just have to post to LinkedIn now. But what if you want to spread the word on Facebook and Twitter, too?

With Agorapulse, you can easily publish to LinkedIn and other social channels without extra effort.

To push to multiple social platforms, simply create your post in the publisher, and select all the channels where you want the post to appear.

Select “Publish now” to make your content go live instantly on LinkedIn and your company’s other social media pages.

How to publish to multiple social channels on Agorapulse -- screenshot step 8

How to publish to multiple social channels on Agorapulse

BONUS: You can also use or scheduling or queueing options in the palm of your hand with our mobile app (iOS, Android).

Ready to post to LinkedIn and take your professional networking game to the next level? Get inspired by our ideas for what and how to post on LinkedIn—and start publishing.


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How to Post on LinkedIn in 8 Ways