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Storynomics: How to Create a Story That Inspires with Robert McKee

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Apple Podcast Reviews:

A lot of great information about story telling. It is hard to pick one episode, they are all good!


I recently came across Park Howell's excellent podcast. I love how he weaves in his personal stories with the interviews of his guests. If you are involved with sales or marketing for your business definitely check out this show.


Robert McKee, the Hollywood “Story Doctor”, joins Park to discuss the societal and business implications of changing narrative into story.

Robert McKee - Instagram
Robert McKee, the “Story Doctor”, is a legendary fixture in Hollywood where he works as a screenwriting coach, lecturer, and script doctor. He is known for his STORY Seminars and his best selling book, Story, and has worked on and off Broadway, in Hollywood, and with movie stars. His Pulitzer, Emmy, and Academy Award-winning students number in the hundreds.
Robert has a longstanding reputation in Hollywood and he has recently begun applying his wisdom to the entrepreneurial world, where he coaches businesses and CEO’s in Storynomics.
Stories are the way in which our brains interpret the world around us, from dynamizing relationship with other people, to the way in which we interpret communications. Storynomics is the practice of applying this story arc to your business’s narrative.
“People really need to know how to execute story in terms of marketing, branding, advertising, and so forth; and in terms of leadership: how you manage and lead people by communicating with them in story form, especially in strategy, because a business strategy, of course, is a story yet to happen.”
After all, a pile of data stacked on top of data becomes meaningless for our story-centric minds; we need a filter of interpretation.
As Robert says, “the forces that bring about change and pay off in society are not data. They are social, cultural, economic—attitudes and beliefs that cannot be quantified. Understanding the human psychological, sociological matrix in which we live, this data is just a result of certain forces operating in the world somehow. What is the implication of all of this? Putting data in story form, so that it’s in a context of a living experience that makes sense to people.”
How can you change your business’s narrative to story

In This Episode

  • Storynomics and a new perspective on how to apply a storytelling arc to your business practice
  • Narrative vs. Story; all stories are narratives but not all narratives are stories
  • Turning big data into big drama
  • The three step story structure
  • What does the modern audience want?
  • Knowing your audience in a “godlike way”


Quotes From This Episode

“I can’t take credit for this. I didn’t invent it. This is as old as time.” —Robert McKee
“Story is about trying to make sense out of the confusion, chaos, and terror of being a human being.” —Robert McKee
“Life doesn’t teach us how to live. We need stories to shine light on the dim corners of humans beings to give us the equip. we need to live” —Robert McKee
(If you’re going to be a leader, you have to inspire people to follow you. You have to create a story that they can identify with, and come to work every day with enthusiasm to write the next chapter in that story.” —Robert McKee

“There’s no such thing as raw data. All data is cooked inside of a cultural furnace that is full of prejudices and biases of all kinds, and so what you get out the end is a number of how often something happens, not how and why something happens.” —Robert McKee


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