Instant Form Browser Add-On Questions

What’s the point of this?

A few months back, Meta rolled out the Instant Form browser add-on. At the time, it seemed interesting. You can add a persistent button for an instant form when someone clicks an ad to your website.

But let’s take another look…

It is only available when you use the Leads objective with Website conversion location and conversions performance goal. You are sending people to your website to complete your online form.

Instant Form Browser Add-On

Your ad might look like this…

Instant Form Browser Add-On

When someone clicks your ad, it will send them to your website landing page. That page has the website form. We can’t get around that because the required performance goal is conversions.

Instant Form Browser Add-On

But we also have the persistent Subscribe button for the browser add-on. Click it and it opens an Instant Form.

Instant Form Browser Add-On

But WHY? You already have the website form. Completions of that website form is how Meta optimizes and measures success. Why add a second, persistent form using an instant form browser add-on? It just makes that page confusing.

REMINDER: There’s no other objective or performance goal that you can use this with. It might make sense to add the Instant Forms Browser Add-On when sending someone to a product page so that they can subscribe for more info. But you can’t. It’s only this one situation.

This feels half-baked. What am I missing here?
