Time To Boost Your Digital Privacy Using These Five Tips

digital privacy

Internet usage is ever-increasing, and the more we are getting reliant on web-based services, the more our digital privacy and online security are getting endangered. Hackers and other cybercriminals are always on the hunt for your sensitive personal information, including bank details, browsing history, email login credentials, and social media profiles.

Under unfortunate conditions, your credentials can be exposed, and it has become increasingly worrying for netizens to keep themselves secured on the internet. Several ways to boost your online security include using a premium VPN app suggested by VPNRanks.

Letโ€™s dive even deeper and how to boost your digital privacy using these five tips:

Why are online security and privacy important?

You leave an online presence when you use online services for personal or business purposes. It implies that what search engine you used, what you looked for, how many web pages you visited, and how long you remained on web pages are all traceable. Furthermore, one of the most important indicators used for monitoring is the specific IP address assigned to you by your ISP.

How To Boost Your Online Digital Privacy?

Even though only some techniques can guarantee complete anonymity, adopting various strategies might make it difficult for hackers to invade your privacy.

1. Get a private search engine

There is no doubt that Google is currently the most used search engine. However, you should not rely on it to secure your online privacy.

Google will monitor your online activity and gather and retain your personal information on all synchronized Google programs such as Docs, Calendar, Drive, and more.

A commercial search engine, in contrast, does not gather sensitive information such as IP addresses or HTTP proxy strings. When you visit the history page, it will be completely empty, like it was never used.

It implies that no one can find out what you prefer or where you’ve been on the web and use that information to control your queries.

2. Get a reliable VPN

IP-based monitoring is not permitted on a VPN by hackers, snoopers, or ISPs. Also, web traffic encryption prevents companies from knowing about your online activities or accessing data.

Such enhancements are possible because it routes your internet data over an encrypted channel that no one else can monitor. Furthermore, the VPN replaces your IP address with its host IP address, which is generally different from your area and used by many users.

So, companies cannot attribute a certain online behaviour to a single person. So, verify your IP address right now, subscribe to a VPN service, and boost your privacy. You can also choose which location should be connected to your surfing!

3. Safeguard your Smart TV

The emergence of smart TVs has improved the TV users’ experience. You can watch Hulu, YouTube, Amazon Prime, Netflix, and other services. However, all these apps need the internet to work.

As a result, watching TV is no more an entirely safe pastime. Software companies and TV makers can eavesdrop on your conversations without your consent.

As a result, you must alter your TV control mechanisms.

  • Always keep the system updated
  • Only install programs from the official website
  • When not being used, turn off your TV camera
  • For all of your accounts, use secure passwords
  • Make use of a private router

4. Be cautious against stalker-ware and keyloggers

Stalkerware is spyware that is loaded on a person’s device to eavesdrop on them while remaining concealed from the target. It has access to its microphone, can record its conversations, and can reveal all of the data on the device to a hacker.

Keyloggers capture every input you type on your device, which means they may record whatever you enter. As a result, it is critical to frequently scan your device for hazardous software to preserve your internet privacy.

5. Hide your activity and home pin location on Google Maps

Google Street View enables anybody to navigate around an unfamiliar location easily. However, this is a two-way street. Anyone else can peek at yours if you can access every detail of a new place.

You may ask Microsoft or Google to conceal your home’s location on maps.

What you need to do is as follows:

  1. Enter your home address into Google Maps.
  2. To activate the Street View feature, drag the small yellow symbol in the lower-right corner of a display screen to the map in front of your home.
  3. As your house appears, select โ€œReport a problemโ€ in the corner of the display.
  4. To set the โ€œred boxโ€ on your property, choose โ€œMy homeโ€ in the โ€œRequest blurringโ€ option.
  5. Fill in the blank field with a statement explaining why you prefer to blur the image (like some security issues).
  6. Enter your email address and press โ€œSubmit.โ€

Some other tips

Here are other methods that can help you boost your digital privacy in this modern age of the internet:

  1. Update your social media account privacy policies.
  2. Create a new e-mail account and buy a different sim card to use in e-shopping and other scenarios that demand you to share your information with others.
  3. Use an end-to-end encrypted chat app, such as WhatsApp.
  4. Activate end-to-end encryption on Telegram, Facebook Messenger, and Google Allo.
  5. Use lengthy and strong passwords, and donโ€™t set the same password for every account.
  6. Thoroughly consider the rights you grant to smart apps.
  7. Download the browser plugin if you absolutely need them. Properly review the permissions you grant them.
  8. Protect your device with a password or biometric system.
  9. Turn off lock-screen notifications or conceal private data from your lock screen.
  10. Use a private VPN connection if you have to access public Wi-Fi.


The internet offers many benefits, but itโ€™s solely your responsibility to secure your data and online presence. We hope these tips will help you boost your digital privacy in the best way possible.

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