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Why Content Experience Matters

Content Experience Show Logo
Hosted By

Anna Hrach

Convince & Convert

Apple Podcast Reviews:

It doesn't get any better for content marketers. They present a balanced, insightful discussion of current trends and ask all the right questions. Their guest list is a "Who's Who" of content professionals. Outstanding.

Jared Johnson Piano

I love listening to marketing podcasts and this one is on my must-listen to list. Very knowledgable hosts and topical discussions.

The Marketing Book Podcast

In this week’s Content Pros episode, our hosts Chris Moody of Oracle Marketing Cloud and Randy Frisch of Uberflip touch on reflections from their myriad interviews with experts: crafting a nuanced experience, managing assets, and constantly innovating.

Randy Frisch - Instagram

Crafting a Nuanced Experience

This week’s episode of Content Pros is a special hosts only show with your favorite hosts, Chris Moody and Randy Frisch. After hearing Chris and Randy interviewing the top content marketers in the industry each week, it’s time to turn the microphone back on them and hear their own thoughts on a multitude of content marketing topics.
Much of the episode centers around the big picture effect of content marketing, which is experience. They press forward the idea that crafting genuine customer experience is more nuanced and multifaceted than many marketers would believe.
Covering everything from content creation to distribution and from the gated/non-gated debate to becoming a great content manager, Chris and Randy use this valuable time to speak to the entire content marketing process.

In This Episode:

  • How to provide the right experience for each channel
  • The most important factors when determining whether to promote gated or non-gated content
  • Identifying when you’re innovating vs. following the “format”
  • Why creating more nuanced content matters
  • How globalization affects your content strategy
  • Best practice marketing tools
  • Why you should have a “librarian” on staff


Quotes From This Episode:

“One of the things that I don’t think we challenge enough is, what is the right experience for each channel?” —@randyfrisch
“It’s not a hard line drawn in the sand that says, ‘Okay, this is over here. This is over there on the gated side.’ It’s more saying, ‘Let’s bring them pieces of content or individual snippets of content from a gated asset and then encourage them to get the rest of that content.'” —@cnmoody

“If your visitors are coming in—as an example—from Twitter, they’re going to access it on mobile. So when they access that on mobile and they want to click on that link to engage, if it opens up to a journey where we’re gated right off the gate, it’s really easy for them to simply click that little arrow in the top left to go back to their infinite scroll of Twitter content and onto something else that isn’t gated.” —@randyfrisch

“Remember when we used to go to the library at school and we’d go in there and the librarian knew every book in that library? You really need someone on that team who can start thinking about managing those assets and obviously as that library grows, you need good tools to make sure that you can leverage assets time and time over again.” —@randyfrisch
We actually haven’t talked a ton about globalization on Content Pros. One thing that everyone always forgets, there are 14 other languages that we’re actually focused on and have to consider right now. The concept of an emerging market is totally different than what we’re used to here. How do we take our content and make it applicable for those markets too?” —@cnmoody
“I think those are the three things to kind of evaluate yourself on: Do you have a way to create these experiences? Do you have a way to see all the content that you have out there in the wild? Do you have a way to actually figure out what’s working?” —@randyfrisch



What Did You Want to Be When You Grew Up?

This weekly question made Chris think about the first business he started. “I was actually five. I was five years old when I started my first company. I was renting out video games. It was pretty much like GameFly, but for the neighborhood. I had this great strategy. I had tons of Nintendo games. I had them organized. They were $1 a day. It was really simple. I had my marketing plan. I knew my market.”
But there was a catch—something Chris hadn’t yet thought through. “So basically, what I did is I sold all my games to my friends for $1 and then when they moved away, they took a bunch of Nintendo games with them for $1.”
And even today, he’s drawing lessons to be learned from his 5-year-old self; “When we talk about experience, there’s usually a trap. You have to think through everything for content marketing. If you don’t have that late fee, if you don’t have the way to capture and measure, it’s hard to measure success.”
We can all find a lesson to be learned from Chris’s younger self: What haven’t you thought through in your own marketing plan?

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