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Choose Your Own Adventure With Content Marketing

Authors: Jess Scott Monty
Posted Under: The Content Experience Show
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Hosted By

Anna Hrach

Convince & Convert

Apple Podcast Reviews:

It doesn't get any better for content marketers. They present a balanced, insightful discussion of current trends and ask all the right questions. Their guest list is a "Who's Who" of content professionals. Outstanding.

Jared Johnson Piano

I love listening to marketing podcasts and this one is on my must-listen to list. Very knowledgable hosts and topical discussions.

The Marketing Book Podcast

Scott Monty, internationally recognized marketing consultant, joins the Content Pros Podcast this week. Scott’s accolades include turning a little known company like Ford around using social media and consulting for some of the best and brightest brands around.

Scott Monty - Instagram

Ford Vision: Transparency, Humanization, and Knowledge

This week’s show welcomes special guest Scott Monty, internationally recognized consultant in social media and marketing.
Scott spent six years at Ford as a strategic advisor on crisis communications, influencer relations, digital customer service, innovative product launches, and more. Before joining the team at Ford, Scott worked in several communications and marketing agencies with clients such as Coca-Cola, American Airlines, T-Mobile, and GE Software, among others.
Scott shares his wide breadth of knowledge with us on a variety of subjects, including turning things around at Ford, why Johnny Carson was such a momentous figure, and finding your own path in this content marketing game amidst so many choices.

In This Episode

  • How to curate the best content
  • Achieving success on a smaller budget
  • Crafting a content strategy
  • Creating your own path amongst so many platforms
  • The importance of zeitgeist to a marketer


Quotes From This Episode

“It’s not unsurprising to think that there are only 30% or 33% of content marketers with a strategy document, because there has been such urgency placed behind content marketing—and because it takes so many resources—that you’re so busy actually doing the work, you don’t have time to step back and craft the strategy.” —@scottmonty

“The important part is you don’t have to do it like anyone else. You have to do it like yourself. You have to do what you’re comfortable with, recognizing that there are opportunities that may put you in an area that you haven’t practiced before, and that’s okay. You don’t have to do it on a scale of some huge company.” —@scottmonty

“I think that’s the magic of a good job of curation. It’s that you’re taking information from disparate sources, putting it together to draw a conclusion or to spot a trend, and that alone becomes a value in reaching other people.” —@scottmonty
“I realized a long time ago that a single person can’t get all the information and can’t be smart at everything, so I try to surround myself virtually with people that are smarter than I.” —@scottmonty



What did you want to be when you grew up?

Scott wanted to be a doctor at a young age, but quickly felt that whole “science thing” was a bit of a roadblock. He realized what he really liked about medicine was the relationships doctors built with their patients. “I liked the ability to read people and build relationships with them, and when you think about that, that’s exactly what a marketer needs. Those are the softer skills that are sometimes just inherent. It’s hard to teach some of that stuff. I think I oftentimes had a strategist and a marketer’s brain, so I’ve tried to put that to good use.”
On the more whimsical side of things, he idolized and longed to be Johnny Carson. “If Johnny Carson talked about it the night before, you could guarantee that people would be talking about it around the water cooler the next day. It was the place to go if you wanted to reach mainstream America. We simply don’t have any kinds of platforms or tools that can do that anymore.” Need an extra incentive for listening to Scott Monty’s words of wisdom? He closes with a Johnny Carson impression.

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