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How Location Data Can Make or Break Your Business

Content Experience Show Logo
Hosted By

Anna Hrach

Convince & Convert

Apple Podcast Reviews:

It doesn't get any better for content marketers. They present a balanced, insightful discussion of current trends and ask all the right questions. Their guest list is a "Who's Who" of content professionals. Outstanding.

Jared Johnson Piano

I love listening to marketing podcasts and this one is on my must-listen to list. Very knowledgable hosts and topical discussions.

The Marketing Book Podcast

Jeffrey K. Rohrs from Yext and Raj Nijjer from join the Content Pros Podcast this week to share a stunning breakthrough in the industry of location data, how Google is giving more control to businesses, and why this matters to you.

Jeffrey K Rohrs - InstagramLocation, Location, Location

Jeffrey K. Rohrs and Raj Nijjer join the Content Pros Podcast this week to share exciting developments in a brand new industry: location-based personalization and marketing.
Jeffrey is the CMO at Yext while Raj is a publisher at Yext’s media outlet, Together, they are working to forge innovation in an industry based around location data. They’re out to prove that location data isn’t just some throw-away element; it should rank right up there with employee and customer data. 
Five years ago, Yext launched a network called “Power Listings,” which brought together over a hundred different publishers including Apple Maps, Yahoo, Bing, Facebook and others to allow you to update your business listing information.
Their timing on the Content Pros Podcast coincides with an exciting new announcement for Yext: Google has now been integrated into Yext’s Power Listings, enabling businesses to manage their Google listings and publish the information to all of the partners. 
Take a listen to this week’s episode to understand what this development means for you and your company.

In This Episode:

  • Why location data should matter to you
  • How Yext’s recent Google integration has changed the game for your company
  • How to align two separate teams to achieve the same vision
  • How Google has let you down and you may not even know it
  • The importance of a passionate CMO
  • How to balance serving your audience and serving your parent company


Quotes From This Episode:

“We all know the conversation today in marketing is about the customer journey. If the customer journey falls short when you’re literally trying to deliver them to your front doorstep, who is that consumer going to point the finger to blame? Is it going to be at the map? Or is it going to be at the brand? And there, too, we find that the blame is equally split, so there’s a negative brand experience.” —@jkrohrs

“When we talk about body of work, it’s taking all that knowledge that we have—the expertise—and making sure it’s a continuous flow of content. So it’s not just a one-time white paper, or just a native ad, or an occasional post. For us, it’s like an ongoing stream. It’s almost like a newsroom where these articles kind of precipitate the news.” —@rajnijjer

“We just assume that Google and others get it right. But up until this opening of Google’s API, they were relying on hands-submitted information, which either would be a bulk upload of a spreadsheet, or literally using their form, to change your data. There was no guarantee that they would accept your data to change it. So if your store hours changed, or if you closed a location, you could have wrong information out there. Our studies and other studies show that anywhere from 40 to 50 percent of business listings had incorrect information.” —@jkrohrs
“I really look at this platform as an intersection of technology and people. I think sometimes we talk about technology so much we forget about the people that are behind that technology, and really understanding what motivates them. Getting those folks to contribute to us and contribute to the industry in helping to elevate the conversation, which I feel like is not happening. That to me is success.” —@rajnijjer



What did you want to be when you grew up?

Raj’s dreams were influenced by his childhood spent in India. “So growing up in India it was super aspirational. I actually wanted to be a pilot, of all things. And I feel like, since I’m on a plane now every week, I’m halfway there.”
Jeffrey’s original dream was also pretty aspirational. “I think, one, I wanted to be happy whatever it was. Two, I had this weird period where I wanted to be president of the United States, but pretty much as you get older you realize that is really not an enjoyable vocation.” After backing off of that, Jeffrey reveals another side of himself, unrelated to location marketing data, “So, three is a screenwriter. I have dabbled in the screenwriting arts and produced a short film that I wrote with a director in Canada.” Jeffrey’s artistic exploration isn’t over it seems. “Maybe at some point in my life I will turn back to that.”
Maybe a short film about a young boy in India who wants to be a pilot and flies around the world improving everyone’s location data? Just a thought.

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