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How to Tell Better Stories in Your Business

Show Business
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Apple Podcast Reviews:

A lot of great information about story telling. It is hard to pick one episode, they are all good!


I recently came across Park Howell's excellent podcast. I love how he weaves in his personal stories with the interviews of his guests. If you are involved with sales or marketing for your business definitely check out this show.


Listen to the unique new podcast that shows how Hollywood storytelling principles can build your business. It’s The Business of Story hosted by Park Howell.

Storytelling is all the rage in business, and rightly so. The people are in control of the relationship between companies and customers like never before and they are fed up with the smarmy, direct approach to messaging.
As the saying goes: everyone wants to buy, but nobody wants to be sold.
That’s the genius of storytelling and business. Every company of every size and type has interesting stories to tell. Origin stories. Customer stories. Partner stories. That time that guy did that thing. Whatever is remembered longer than 30 seconds? That’s probably a story worth telling.
Consultants (including me) are always telling businesses to incorporate stories into the marketing, especially their content marketing.
But how? How does it really work? What makes a good story good?
We hear those questions all the time, so we’re doing something about it, starting today.

A New Podcast About How to Tell Better Stories in Your Business

Business of Story iTunes Artwork
Today, Convince & Convert Media is proud to launch The Business of Story, a new and useful podcast with a unusual slant.
The subtitle says it all: Expert storytellers teach you how to move people to action.
The show is hosted by Park Howell of Park & Co in Phoenix, who has revolutionized his business by using Hollywood-style storytelling principles, and applying them to the day-to-day communication needs of companies.
He’s a smart, thoughtful, interesting guy and a hell of a podcast host.
The first few episodes of the show are available today on iTunes and everywhere podcasts are consumed.

Park Howell is the host of The Business of Story
Park Howell is the host of The Business of Story

Unique Guests You Won’t Hear Anywhere Else

But what I love most about this new show is the guests Park is bringing on the show. They aren’t just marketers and talking heads (although yes, I’m one of the guests). Instead, most guests Park interviews are from the worlds of entertainment, academia, research, and beyond. And if they are in business, they come at it totally different than “regular” marketers.
These are the people who were telling stories long before marketers like us hijacked the concept for our own purposes.
For example, one of the upcoming guests to watch for is Vincent Stanley, Director of Philosophy at Patagonia. He’ll be talking about becoming a “Story Activist” in your company.

Get Smart About Storytelling

In addition to the great interviews and Park’s expertise, many episodes of The Business of Story will include links to exclusive content that lets listeners go deeper and learn more about the art and craft of stories. Frameworks. Free guides. Templates. Listen in to each show for details on where you can download these resources.
And each episode will also be summarized right here on Convince & Convert, including embedded audio files so you listen inside your browser if you prefer.
This is a podcast that doesn’t cover the same ground EVERYONE else is covering out there. If you care about telling better stories in business – and you should – give The Business of Story a listen.

Great Sponsors, Too

We have two terrific patrons for this show.
The Business of Story is sponsored by ACT, the best-selling customer management software for small business. And the show is also sponsored by Zignal Labs, the real-time cross-media story tracking platform.
Thanks for their support! If you have any questions about The Business of Story, please let me know. I’d love your feedback too.
– Jay Baer

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