Proudest Achievements of 2023

What are your proudest achievements of 2023?

Everyone’s flipping the calendar to create new goals for 2024. But wait…

First, be proud of what you accomplished this year. It could be personal or in business.

What did you do that was a culmination of weeks or months of hard work? Write these things down or document them in some way. It’s important to acknowledge these things — big and small.

For me, I ran 1200 miles this year, which is the most I’ve ever run. This required daily planning and a commitment to a routine. So many days that I didn’t want to run, but I did it anyway. I’ve run for eight years now and increased my goal every year.

Running Goal

I’m going to successfully publish at least one video every day of 2023. That’s an insane accomplishment since just over a year ago, I wasn’t creating any short-form videos at all. The overall impact accomplishing this goal had on my business is huge.

I was a guest on more than a dozen podcasts this year. This was something I set out to do late last year. While it’s good to reach new audiences, it’s also been awesome having conversations with people I’ve known for years or just got to know this year.

I wrote more than 100 blog posts. This was a bit of going back to my roots. My blog has long been the foundation of my business, and I had an obsessed commitment during the early years of my website. I lost focus during recent years, so I kept to a very strict routine in 2023.

Finally, I agreed to get back on stage for the first time in four years. It doesn’t happen until February, but I agreed to it in 2023. This is a really big deal and it’s surely connected to my other efforts that led to this invitation.

These are all huge accomplishments for me that required a commitment of daily actions to make them possible. I’m super proud of them.

How about you?
