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How Qantas Uses Employees to Tell the Brand Story

Authors: Jay Baer Jo Boundy
Posted Under: Social Pros Podcast
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Hosted By
Jay Baer

Daniel Lemin

Convince & Convert
Jay Baer

Hannah Tooker

Jay Baer

Leanna Pham

Convince & Convert
About Social Pros Podcast:

Social Pros is one of the longest-running marketing podcasts in existence (10 YEARS and counting), and was recently recognized as the #1 Audio/Podcast Series by the Content Marketing Awards.

Our purpose? Making sure that we speak to real people doing real work in social media.

Listeners get inside stories and behind-the-scenes secrets about how teams at companies like Google, Reddit, Glossier, Zillow, Lyft, Marvel, and dozens more, staff, operate, and measure their social media programs.  With 600+ episodes, the Social Pros Podcast brings the humanity of social media to the forefront, while providing incredibly useful marketing strategies that listeners can immediately implement.

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Love the podcast - informative, in depth and spot on for any business size.


Jo Boundy, Head of Digital and Entertainment, joins the Social Pros Podcast this week to discuss employee advocacy on social media and the shift toward lo-fi content quality as marketing is expected to be more authentic and human than ever before.

Jo Boundy - InstagramEntertainment + Digital = Innovation

Jo Boundy is the Head of Digital and Entertainment at Qantas Airways of Australia. You might think her job includes bartending and parties, given the entertainment piece, but in fact, entertainment was specifically paired with digital at Qantas to ensure the in-flight entertainment is making the same leaps and bounds in technology advancement as the rest of their digital communication.
Jo oversees a team that handles quite the range of responsibilities. At the highest level, her title encompasses all digital customer experience strategy and digital communication. Within that umbrella, she oversees not only social media, but also branded online content, innovation, entertainment, youth initiatives, and content strategy that includes user-generated content and travel-inspired content (among many other pieces of the digital puzzle). The social media piece includes branded content and marketing, social customer care, as well as new developments in social commerce and data analysis.
This huge range of responsibilities and moving parts all come together to ensure messaging is consistent across communication platforms to the varied targeted audience segments Qantas strives to reach.
And it all started when Jo asked to set up a Facebook page for Qantas in her spare time.

It Started With Facebook

When Jo began working with Qantas six years ago, she handled internal communications for the 30,000 Qantas employees. The Facebook page she set up for the company one weekend slowly led to other opportunities in social media, which snowballed into building the digital and entertainment team that exists today.
Now she heads a nimble in-house team of photographers, graphic designers, and other digital content marketers that come together with a very clear brand and marketing focus with a digital twist.

In This Episode

  • How and why the Qantas digital team came to include entertainment
  • Social customer care as it takes over traditional customer care
  • Social media usage outside of communication, such as social commerce
  • Social listening with target geography and why it’s so effective
  • How to tap into employee expertise for brand content
  • Employee advocacy’s role in social media
  • How to run a successful Instagram ad campaign
  • The rising trend of personalized content as marketers get smarter about data
  • Why today’s social media and content marketers need to focus on authenticity and lo-fi content production


Quotes From This Episode

“80% of the volume of conversations that we manage on social media are customer care related, and I don’t think we’re unique in that position.” —@jojobounds
“Social is becoming the new way that customer care is managed.” —@jojobounds
“Social media has become a channel that is not just about communicating with people, but also an opportunity where we can actually simply transact with people. There’s a real shift coming, particularly from Asia, where people are using social media to actually transact. As such, we’ve seen a real rise of social commerce and a shift away from websites.” —@jojobounds
“Content is so much more authentic when it comes from someone you know and not necessarily coming from a corporate brand.” —@jojobounds
“We’ve had a lot of success with our employees really flying the flag for us. We believe they are our ambassadors on the ground, in the sky, and online.” —@jojobounds
“You have to be creative, and you have to be creative in a real and human way… You really have to be true to the essence of what you’re service is selling, and I think that comes so much in people. It’s about having people tell the story.” —@jojobounds
“I think we’re just scratching the surface in the personalization space. I think as more and more data becomes available and we become smarter about the data that exists and how to target customers (and smarter about working with platforms like Facebook and Twitter and our backend content management systems), I think we will continue to evolve, and ultimately get to a world where everything is personalized and customized. That’s my dream, anyway.” —@jojobounds
“For the first time in the history of the world, we are using the same tool sets to communicate with potential customers that those customers are using to communicate with one another.” —@jaybaer


See you next week!

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