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How to Train 80,000 People to Use Social Video Effectively

Posted Under: Social Pros Podcast
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Hosted By
Jay Baer

Daniel Lemin

Convince & Convert
Jay Baer

Hannah Tooker

Jay Baer

Leanna Pham

Convince & Convert
About Social Pros Podcast:

Social Pros is one of the longest-running marketing podcasts in existence (10 YEARS and counting), and was recently recognized as the #1 Audio/Podcast Series by the Content Marketing Awards.

Our purpose? Making sure that we speak to real people doing real work in social media.

Listeners get inside stories and behind-the-scenes secrets about how teams at companies like Google, Reddit, Glossier, Zillow, Lyft, Marvel, and dozens more, staff, operate, and measure their social media programs.  With 600+ episodes, the Social Pros Podcast brings the humanity of social media to the forefront, while providing incredibly useful marketing strategies that listeners can immediately implement.

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Apple Podcast Reviews:

The Social Pros podcast has quickly become a favorite in my feed! I'm consistently impressed by the engaging conversations, insightful content, and actionable ideas. I truly learn something every time I listen!

@Arlie K

This is absolutely an awesome listen for anyone in communications or social media!!


This podcast has become one of my staple weekly podcasts for learning about marketing! Love the conversations that they have and it's always enjoyable and educational!


Love the podcast - informative, in depth and spot on for any business size.


Lindsay Listanski, Senior Manager of Media Engagement for Coldwell Banker, joins the Social Pros Podcast to share her approach to using social video and how it can motivate a business team of 80,000 to success.

Lindsay Listanski - InstagramVirtual Reality

Training a couple upstarts in the marketing department to add video to their cache of social tools is hard enough. But imagine trying to wrangle 80,000 employees spread across the country into embracing and utilizing video as a serious marketing tool and a crucial component of their social presence. Seems impossible, right?
Wrong! Lindsay has the kind of success story that makes virtual fantasy a virtual reality. Through grit, determination, organization, and many many frequent flier miles, she has transformed a nation of real estate agents into social video moguls. At the same time, she has created a community within the brand that encourages fellow agents to grow and evolved their online presence. Under her guidance, realtors are starting to sell homes using video to buyers that have never stepped foot inside. It’s a whole new world with social video and she is here to share it with us!

In This Episode

  • How a well-crafted social presence leads to daily customer touch-points, drives leads, and creates sales
  • Why less can mean more when it comes to Facebook advertising with video
  • How having a social media plan extends beyond the computer and means more than maintaining active accounts online
  • Why social marketing doesn’t mean just social media
  • How social video leads to starting a conversation within your community


Quotes From This Episode

“Social media has created this great ability for agents to connect with their clients on a daily basis that creates a really great one-on-one relationship.” —@LListanski
“A huge part of my job is ensuring they’re using it on a daily basis in such a way that they are driving leads and creating great top-of-mind awareness.” —@LListanski
It’s not about you anymore. It’s about really providing value within your community and showing that you’re the local expert.” —@LListanski
“Social video is creating an amazing user experience for buyers coming onto our site because they have never seen homes positioned like this.” —@LListanski
“Being everywhere in a social network is a big mistake in strategy.” —@LListanski
“This is about creating brand awareness and making sure that our campaigns are seen by the right people at the right time.” —@LListanski
“The less you can talk and allow other people to be your brand ambassadors and your champions, the better.” —@LListanski


See you next week!

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