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Marketing Success Depends on Asking the Right Questions

Authors: Todd Cameron Rebecca Lieb
Posted Under: Influence Pros Podcast

Rebecca Lieb, Independent Analyst and Advisor, joins the Influence Pros Podcast to discuss the power of deep questions, human vulnerability, and the development of word of mouth as the precursor to influencer marketing.

Rebecca Lieb_InstagramQ’s and A’s

Haven’t you ever wanted to know everything about everything?
Rebecca Lieb feels your pain. Well, she at least wants to know everything about marketing. With years of deep research, Rebecca has learned where to find the keys to the marketing castle. She believes in asking tough questions, taking the time to find the real answers, the important of community and humility, and the adage of sharing is caring.
Rebecca is a prestigious analyst, advisor, frequent public speaker on topics related to advertising and digital marketing, and author. Her book titles include, “Content Marketing: Think Like a Publisher—How to Use Content to Market Online and in Social Media” and “The Truth About Search Engine Optimization”.
Formerly with Altimeter Group, Rebecca currently works with Netswitch Technology Management Inc., Conglomotron LLC., and OneSpot. 

In This Episode

  • Why it’s important to take the time to ask the right questions
  • How to use your research to lead you to success
  • Why community and humility are key parts of great influencing
  • How to utilize an influencer’s expertise to your advantage
  • How to combat the newest forms of ad blockers and developing media


Quotes From This Episode

“I hoover up information and share it.” —@lieblink
“First and foremost and at the core of everything, I’m a research analyst, which means I ask deep probing questions around topics related to digital marketing, advertising content and influence.”
“Everybody is an expert in something.” —@lieblink
“We’re seeing ad blockers, we’re seeing ad fraud, diminishing prices for advertisers on the publisher’s side and we all know that if ads were fabulously effective, the prices would be going up. They wouldn’t be going down. We’re seeing marketers struggle with new ways to get their message—incredible ways—in front of audiences.” —@lieblink

“In influence, the more you can demonstrate humanity—that you’re a real person and that you’re listening—the more credible you’re going to be. Influence is about having a certain degree of humility.” —@lieblink

“Community has got a very big role to play in influencers.” —@lieblink



Would You Rather

Would you rather never be able to eat warm food again or never be able to eat cold food again?
You know, that’s a poser but I’m going to say never be able to eat cold food again just because I think warm food gives you more food options and I always want as many options as possible, and I think there’s more options in cooking than in a lot of salads and sushi.
Would you rather be able to have a one minute conversation with your past self or with your future self?
Oh, I know my past self. I would like to find out where I’m going to be in the future. That relentless curiosity wants me to go over the bleeding edge. That’s easy.
Would you rather never be able to leave the country or leave and then never come back?
That is a really tough one. I have lived aboard for a very significant portion of my life. I would never want my horizons to be limited, and I think never being able to leave the country is more limiting than leaving and never coming back. I’d hate to make that choice but I would go for the bigger playing field.

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