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How a Content Marketing Company Does Content Marketing

Authors: Jess Randy Frisch
Posted Under: The Content Experience Show
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Hosted By

Anna Hrach

Convince & Convert

Apple Podcast Reviews:

It doesn't get any better for content marketers. They present a balanced, insightful discussion of current trends and ask all the right questions. Their guest list is a "Who's Who" of content professionals. Outstanding.

Jared Johnson Piano

I love listening to marketing podcasts and this one is on my must-listen to list. Very knowledgable hosts and topical discussions.

The Marketing Book Podcast

Randy Frisch, COO of Uberflip, joins the Content Pros Podcast as our new co-host! This week, he teams up with Chris to discuss customer advocacy, best content marketing practices, and the importance of relevance above quantity and even quality.

Accountability for Content

The Content Pros Podcast is so pleased to welcome Randy Frisch, COO and Co-Founder of Uberflip, as our new co-host! On today’s show, Randy introduces himself to listeners by shining the light on his background, his team, and the challenges he faces leading a content marketing company.
The problem that Uberflip is trying to solve for content marketers is a relatively new one. As content marketing continues to rise to the forefront of marketing strategy, the biggest problem was always content creation–how to come up with content, in what format, and what’s the next blog post going to be about. Solutions to these issues were developed with in-house content teams, content agencies, and platforms where you can purchase content.
Now, the challenge is accountability and measurability.
Content marketing has taken a similar path to social media marketing. When social first started, the idea was to just show up on social platforms, to somehow jump in to every conversation, and to get more and more followers. After a while, accountability came into the picture. Measuring what is and isn’t working and having a strategy beyond “just get out there” is required in social media marketing, and utilizing systems such as Hootsuite and Buffer can help marketers see what’s working and what’s not.
Today, the same is ringing true for content marketing. The problem is no longer how to create content, it’s how to take all of the content we’ve been creating for a number of years (and the content we’re continuing to create) and figure out how to ensure that it is driving success for businesses. Randy and his team want to help marketers answer these questions:

  1. How do you bring all of your content together to live together in a great experience?
  2. How do you integrate it with tools like marketing automation systems?
  3. How do you figure out which part is working?

Being able to answer these questions then facilitates the creation of better and better content.

Content Marketing at a Content Marketing Company

Randy and the Uberflip team value relevancy before quantity, quality, or anything else when it comes to content. Too often, even though marketers stress the importance of building personas, they forget to actually talk to customers and find out what they think is working and what’s not.

“People forget that the best way to understand a persona is to talk to your customers.”

So, how does Uberflip stay relevant in the face of content shock? Everyone at Uberflip is a content marketer. When they hire, they seek people who embrace content, who understand how important content marketing is for the growth of a business. Everyone on the team creates content, and there is no set department or content marketing manager.
Uberflip’s team has a weekly brainstorming session to think about headlines and topics that then get fleshed out from there. “There’s a true sense of collaboration that is really key to make sure what we put out isn’t just something to fill the clutter of the web but something that our customer actually wants to hear about.”

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Randy was always fascinated with marketing, even as a kid. Back then, the idea of being a big, fancy marketer had to do with huge billboards and Super Bowl commercials. He’s moved on from wanting to be Don Draper, but he’s glad to still be in marketing.

“I think the cool thing about how my dreams has evolved is I’m still doing what I’ve always wanted to do. I’m engaging with audiences, I’m helping people engage with audiences, but I’m doing so in a much more relevant way today, which is all about how do we find the most organic way to reach a customer and get them to trust us as a brand and get them to form a relationship? And, ultimately, that’s what content is all about, and that’s, to me, why I’m really excited to be on this show.”

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