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Influencers Are Everywhere (if You Know Where to Look)

Authors: Jess Gini Dietrich
Posted Under: Influence Pros Podcast

Gini Dietrich, CEO of Spin Sucks, joins the Influence Pros Podcast to talk about how PR firms are more than just media, how influencers are everywhere, and the benefits of early morning writing.

Gini Dietrich_InstagramThe Early Bird Catches the Worm

Raise your hand if you love getting up by 5 a.m.
Anyone? Bueller?
Me neither. But you know who does? The brilliant and talented Gini Dietrich, CEO of Arment Dietrich, author and founder of Spin Sucks, and co-host of “Inside PR.”
Arment Dietrich is a digital marketing communications firm. “Spin Sucks” is a book and blog dedicated to the professional development of all things communications, and “Inside PR” is podcast interested in exploring the state of public relations.
Needless to say, Gini’s days are jam-packed, so making the most of her day is a clever necessity. Gini’s primary goals are all about changing the way we view PR firms, making sure people are converting after interaction, and working with influencers one-on-one

In This Episode

  • How and why PR agencies are doing more and more every day for their clients
  • Where to find great influencers online and off
  • How to figure out what’s worth measuring
  • Why it’s so important to work one-on-one with influencers
  • Why celebrities might not always be the best choice to advocate for your brand


Quotes From This Episode

“I think we’ve gone from needing that celebrity, Kim Kardashan-type person to really it being your next-door neighbor as the influencer.”—@ginidietrich
“The perception that people have of PR firms is just that they do media relations. I’m trying to change the perception of that, so we do what we call the PESO models. We do paid, earned, shared, and owned media, and we integrate all of those.” —@ginidietrich
“I write every morning at 5:00 a.m. and I’m usually done by about 6:15 a.m. or 6:20 a.m. I do for sure get up early and some mornings I’m like, ‘Ugh.’ But when you have that time set aside and you know you have to have it finished by a certain time, you don’t dillydally. I find if I try to write and I have a lot more time, it takes me forever. So, I know that I have an hour and I have to get it done and that’s it. So, it’s not that bad.” —@ginidietrich
“Reach has become a dead metric. It’s just vanity at this point. It’s all about engagement.” —@redfoxstrategy
“We don’t measure reach. We don’t measure engagement. We measure whether or not the traffic coming to the website does something. That’s way more important.” —@ginidietrich
“It’s not only better pitching and better targeting, but working with your influencers one-on-one, not one-to-many, but one-on-one and really finding ways for it to be customized and specific to their audiences. If you do that, you’re going to have a much better success rate.” —@ginidietrich 
“That’s the cool thing about the niche nature of the web, right? We do have the ability to find people who have the voice that we’re really looking for.” —@hksully



Would You Rather

Would you rather live one life that lasts a thousands years, or ten lives that last a hundred years each?
Ten lives that last a hundred years each.
Would you rather always have to say everything that you are thinking, or never speak again?
Crap, that one’s hard. I’m actually going to go with never speak again.
Would you rather have a unicorn horn, or a squirrel tail?
A unicorn horn, because I hate squirrels because they eat tulip bulbs.

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