How to Integrate Content Syndication Into Your Marketing Strategy

content syndication

Content syndication is one of the best ways to drive growth in the digital marketplace. B2B (business-to-business) companies use the strategy to achieve various goals, such as broadening their audience.

When content is syndicated, it’s distributed across different sites. Content marketers typically follow the 80/20 rule, investing 80% of their efforts in promotion and 20% in content creation. With syndicated content through, companies can build links, drive traffic to their websites, and increase brand awareness. In this guide, readers will learn how to include content syndication in a marketing plan that boosts traffic and increases profits.

Reach the Right People

Before syndicating content, marketers must decide who they’re trying to reach. One of the best things about content syndication is that it gives sellers the chance to conduct research using relevant keywords, thereby finding audiences that fit their buyer personas.

Content syndication strategies are best developed with a narrow focus on audiences experiencing the problems a product claims to solve. By finding the right audience and turning them into advocates, content syndication plans can elevate even the most mundane marketing efforts.

Resonate With the Audience

Some business-to-business marketers don’t put too much effort into choosing syndicated content, but that’s a serious mistake. When content is chosen haphazardly, it may not resonate with its audience.

Before content is syndicated, a marketer must ensure it’s aligned with the buyer persona and its position in the sales funnel. In most cases, syndication is used as a strategy to boost brand awareness at the top of the funnel. When companies develop solid content syndication plans, it becomes easier to select content based on the progression of the buyer’s journey.

Find the Right Partner

Once a company has clarified its target audience and found content that fits the company’s needs, it’s time to find a syndication partner. The decision is a momentous one, as it will determine how well the overall marketing goal is achieved. Keep in mind, though, that not all partners can deliver content to the target audience. Ask these questions when choosing a content syndication partner.

· Are they relevant to your industry?

· What are their audience members like?

· How is syndicated content presented on their site?

· How is content distributed?

The answers to these questions will help marketers find the right partner to syndicate their content, which will, in turn, elevate their marketing efforts.

Syndicate on Authoritative Sites

Audience size and quality drive revenue growth in the content marketing space. When a company has a well-crafted syndication plan, they focus on high-authority sites that allow them to access larger audiences.

Content syndication plans allow business-to-business marketers to choose partners that are leaders in their own industries. These partnerships are best viewed as ways for brands to boost their reputation while positioning themselves as authorities.

Drive Traffic, Build Brand Recognition, and Boost Sales With Content Syndication

As a crucial part of a content marketing strategy, syndication allows companies to reach more people than they would with social media and blog posts. To improve the results of their marketing efforts, though, businesses must implement their syndication strategies carefully. That’s where a plan comes in handy. If a marketer has been syndicating content without such a plan, they now know why doing so is important.

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