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Could Public Reference Librarians Help Us Combat Digital Falsehoods?

Updated Aug 20, 2019, 09:45pm EDT
This article is more than 4 years old.


As society struggles with how best to combat the spread of digital falsehoods in the form of misinformation, disinformation, “fake news” and foreign influence, much of the emphasis to date has been on national-scale professional fact checking Websites. While these efforts have helped shed light on the most viral of online rumors, their small staffs and national focus limits their impact. At the same time, all across the United States there are public libraries serving their local communities that have reference librarians that specialize in helping their patrons navigate today’s informational deluge, doing everything from helping them locate relevant reputable information to performing basic research yielding evidence-based answers reflecting the best available scholarly and scientific information. In 2017 alone these librarians answered more than 240 million queries. Could the answer to today’s deluge of digital falsehoods lie with our nation’s public libraries and their reference librarians that have served us for more than a century?

To those generations born in the digital age, libraries are often dismissed as outdated museums to a past era, warehouses that rent physical books and DVDs. In reality, libraries are not about artifacts, they are about people. Libraries have long served as central pillars of their communities, turned to for entertainment and enlightenment and whose staff were local to their communities and understood the unique local needs of their patrons.

It is a curious artifact of the modern age that we as a society have these incredible personalized resources in our local communities all across the nation staffed by our next-door neighbors who know us by name, yet increasingly when we are in need, we place our trust in total strangers halfway across the world. Why is it that we are more comfortable today trusting a random Website operated by a scammer in a foreign country trying to mislead us for profit rather than our own neighbors who are trained professionals in our own backyard whose job it is to help us?

Why is it that local community has given way to impersonal globalization and what might happen if we return to the community-based public libraries that helped build our nation?

Most importantly, could public libraries and their reference librarians open a new front in the war against digital falsehoods? Instead of relying exclusively on a small group of centralized fact checking sites that focus primarily on national-scale stories, what if communities turned to their public libraries to confirm or debunk the stories that matter the most to them? While knowing that a satirical story about Bigfoot being sighted in a national forest is false might be important to a national fact checking site, to a local community a far more important question might revolve around a rumor that a new state law just went into effect that will close the local fire department or whether the local superstore is really holding a 50% off sale next weekend or whether a proposed Congressional bill would really outlaw health insurance. These are the kinds of stories that have tremendous impact at the local level across the nation yet are ill-suited for today’s small national fact checking staffs.

What if libraries promoted themselves as local community fact checkers, where library patrons can forward their most pressing rumors to be confirmed or debunked? Where instead of merely offering a true or false rating, a helpful reference librarian is happy to walk the patron through the available evidence and why they reached the conclusion they did? Most importantly, for questions that don’t have singular answers, reference librarians can help guide patrons to reputable information from all sides of a debate to allow them to make their own decisions.

Even for simple questions that can be readily answered online, reference librarians can help their patrons understand how to conduct online research, from assessing the reliability of a particular resource to triangulating across conflicting sources. In essence, reference librarians are the guides that can help our nation’s citizenry more effectively and safely make use of the informational riches of the digital world while avoiding the digital falsehoods and foreign influence that have increasingly corrupted it.

The Web’s ease of use belies the ease with which it can sidetrack users with falsehoods, yet the average Web user typically wrongly believes they are able to easily spot false information. This is an area where reference librarians have so much to offer their patrons, but it can be hard to convince users why they should turn to information professionals to expand their own information literacy.

While many public libraries offer some form of information literacy training for their patrons, increasing public awareness of the dangers of digital falsehoods, fraud and foreign influence and growing demand among Web users for help in separating fact from fiction presents an ideal moment for libraries of all sizes to step forward and play a central role in making their communities more information literate.

Instead of focusing all of our efforts on limited centralized fact checking efforts and automated algorithmic “fake news” filters, we should be teaching society information literacy, providing them the tools to navigate the digital world on their own and offering them the help of knowledgeable local reference librarians to guide them on their way.

In the end, perhaps the answer to the deluge of digital falsehoods, fraud and foreign influence lies in a return to our nation’s public libraries and their reference librarians that in 2017 alone answered more than a quarter-billion questions for their local communities.