Why Is Prior Employment Verification a
Key Part of the Job Search?

When you are reviewing resumes, a lot of people are going to include their prior employment. For example, some people may list only the most recent job they worked. Other people may list multiple previous jobs. Some people may list every job between their current position (or most recent one) and high school. You are going to factor prior employment into your hiring decisions. At the same time, how do you know if the other person is being honest? That is where you need to verify someone’s prior employment. Why is this important and how do you do this the right way?


Prior Employment Verification Is Important: Trust But Verify

If you make the decision to hire someone, you need to be able to trust them. The way you do this is by making sure they are interviewing or applying for your position honestly. If someone is lying about their prior employment history, what else are they lying about? And, if they are lying about this, does this mean you can trust them if you decide to hire them? This is something that you have to consider if you are considering hiring someone. Even though you probably trust them, you have to verify their prior appointment.

Prior Employment Is a Reflection of Their Skills

Why are you considering prior employment anyway? You are looking for signs experience. You want to make sure you hire someone with the right experience for the position. Therefore, you are taking a look at their prior positions and what they entailed. Unfortunately, if someone makes the decision to lie about their prior employment history, they may not have the skills that show up on paper. Therefore, you need to ask about these skills during the interview process. If there is something that stands out to you as particularly important to the open position, you want to hammer down on the presence of those skills. Asking someone a few questions about their prior position will let you know if they actually worked it and if they have the skills necessary. Of course, you also need to verify that actually held that position.

How Do You Verify Prior Employment Positions the Right Way?

So, when you are going about verifying someone’s prior employment history, how do you do this? Of course, it is a good idea to start by calling the prior employer. See if you can get a hold of the manager. There is a good chance that the applicant is going to provide you with contact information. Use this contact information and reach out to the manager. Then, ask a few questions about the performance of the applicant. If you get good responses from the person you contact, this is a good sign. You may have found the right person for the job.

Rely on a Third Party to Help You Verify Employment

At the same time, you have to make sure you are going about this the right way. That is why you should rely on a third party to help you verify someone’s employment. Third party employment verification is very important. For example, how are you going to know if the applicant actually gave you legitimate contact information? What if they are simply providing you with the number of a friend instead of an actual manager? This is an issue that a third-party specialist will know how to get around. Even though you might not have time to do this yourself, a trained specialist is able to do this on your behalf. Take advantage of professional services when you are trying to conduct employment verification.

Always Verify Someone’s Employment History Before Moving Forward

If you have someone applying for an open position, you need to make sure you verify their employment history before you move forward. Employment history is an important reflection of someone’s honesty. This is also an important reflection of the skills someone has. If you do not take the time to verify someone’s employment history, you might end up making a regrettable hiring decision. Fortunately, there are numerous ways that you can correctly verify someone’s employment history before moving forward.