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M-Journal Subverts Academia By Morphing Wikipedia Into A Reliable Source

Updated Sep 30, 2019, 01:47pm EDT
This article is more than 4 years old.

Caveat lector, let the reader beware. These are the words on the Wikipedia page that informs users that attempting to use Wikipedia as a reliable source of cited material comes with a continuous and present risk. Across academia it is a known operating fact that Wikipedia is not an accepted source for research papers and the lot. That hasn't stopped students from using it and thanks to M-Journal, disguising it.

M-Journal is simple. Students plug in the Wikipedia page they want to use as a source, then M-Journal converts it into a mildly professional looking scan of a thing that might be some obscure academic journal (now with paragraph breaks). Students are provided with a citation and a link to a unique web page that appears to require a subscription, cutting off the cited material. All this to save students the hassle of practicing the ancient art of going to the library.

Crack a damn book once in a while. As my father would say, put down the snaps and the chats and mow the damn lawn. Sonic the rodent thing can wait. Read a book.

"I plan to use this tool for the rest of my college career" says Sarah T., a Freshman at NYU who, due to never having actually learned how to research or do the legwork when it comes to academic achievement, will spend the rest of her days struggling to keep up in office environments that move faster than edits on a new Wikipedia page about a meme.

Here's an example of M-Journal, for you teachers reading this (so you know what to look for). The assignment is linguistics and the origin of language. There are tons of easily accessible texts on this subject. Instead, students plug the Wikipedia link into M-Journal and are served this page that changes the title to "The Relationship Between Origin of language And Modern Society". From there students can get the citation in MLA, APA and Chicago style, while upon researching the cited sources, teachers would be presented with this page that lists a journal volume, pages and ISSN numbers. It's ingenious as much as it is ridiculously dubious.

"I have always hated teachers telling me I can't use Wikipedia as a source," says High School student Avery G., who has a future as a serial entrepreneur. "Well now, I can use M-Journal and they will be none the wiser."

M-Journal is the underhanded brain child of MSCHF Internet Studios, the creators and rabble rousers of mildly subversive, always creative apps and projects that push the boundaries of ingenuity and amusingly obtuse thinking. This is not its first foray into academia, as its Times Newer Roman project sought to also make life easier for college students by pulling off a visual hack to extend the length of research papers with a modified font, without adding word count.

"Students already use Wikipedia to learn everything they need for most classes; we're just easing that friction. This also shines a light on the greater problem with academia — how insanely overpriced textbooks are when all the information is on Wikipedia," MSCHF Head of Commerce Daniel Greenberg tells me, trying to put an altruistic spin on M-Journal. "This is simply satire on the entire academic system disguised in the form of a smart, hacky, utility in a way only MSCHF could deliver. This is also our wink and nod to every student everywhere... we get your struggle, and we support it. We want students to spend less time trying to find good sources to cite and spend more time writing good papers and learning. Like Times Newer Roman, we are cutting down on the number of extra steps students need to take to be successful."

M-Journal is already in circulation among college students across the country, likely already having created many faux sources for research papers. Educators will catch on, either by reading this article or doing just a little bit of research themselves to uncover the origin of the cited source.

Students will giggle as they hand in papers with masked Wikipedia citations, then their platysma muscles will get a workout as their lower face pulls into a frown when they see their grades.

M-Journal seeks to prove a point about academic achievement being tied to the arduous task of research, a valuable life skill regardless of how annoying you think it is in school. So perhaps it's double subverting that idea, by also proving to students that the easy way isn't always the easy way, as taking these kinds of short cuts will eventually make other tasks much, much more difficult. In that way, M-Journal is both stupid and brilliant, and I would expect nothing less from MSCHF and company.

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