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New Film Series Says 'Let Science Speak' And Humanizes Scientists

Updated Sep 23, 2018, 10:41am EDT
This article is more than 5 years old.

This week I attended the 6th Annual HBCU Climate Change Conference in New Orleans. As I listened to legendary scientist Dr. Robert Bullard discuss forces against him in the environmental justice field over the years, something strongly resonated. He said something along the lines of "if they are not coming after you, you are not doing something right." I notice in environmental and climate narratives that attacks or harassment increase as messaging becomes more effective. In social media, people are armed with their "googled" information, anonymous keyboard courage, or agendas to suppress science. Federal scientists have been restricted from attending conferences. EPA websites are being edited with different wording (see this link for a great article in Time Magazine). New policies at local, state, and federal levels undermine science or try to "shut it up".  A new short film series debuted this week at the Tribeca TV Festival called Let Science Speak. The series features 6 leading environmental scientists but is more about humanity than science.

Let Science Speak is a beautiful set of films that I had the privilege to be a part of, and the original score was contributed by Patrick Stump of the popular band Fall Out Boy. The executive producer Christine Arena told Rolling Stone magazine,

It’s not just scientists who lose when science is suppressed. The health, safety and security of every citizen is also at risk....That is why we aim to call America’s attention to the stakes, while portraying scientists as unsung heroes that people will want to support and rally around.

In no way do I consider myself a hero, but I do want to circle back to Professor Bullard's comment because it cut to the core of something that I think about often. My colleagues (including the many beyond the 5 in the film) and I often endure twitter attacks, evil messaging and so forth. I am asked why we put up with it. The answer for me is simple and personal. I care about my kids, humanity and particularly marginalized populations that carry disproportionately high burdens from extreme events and changing climate.

In fact, the theme of the 6th HBCU Climate Change conference was powerful, "Fighting For Our Lives" as Professor Bullard explains in this blog. I have personally overcome verbal darts, family sacrifices and ignorance-filled assumptions because of my race all of my life. The stuff I face for addressing climate change is trivial compared to life as an African American boy raised by a single mother in a small southern town. Within the divisive backdrop of society right now, I worry more about my kids, particularly my son. Even though they are perceived to have advantages over my upbringing, they are still seen through hateful eyes of some and at the mercy of a planet under stress. For me, participating in the film was an obligation. I was blessed with knowledge of science and a talent for translating it. Scientists must fill the gaps, or those skilled in messaging or misinformation will.

Dr. Jon Foley, featured in the film, is former Director of the California Academy of Science and Senior Scholar there. He is also one of the most cited environmental scientists in the world.  Dr. Foley believes we must connect science to the heart of humanity as much as the intellectual mind. For Dr. Alan Townsend, Provost and environmental scientist at Colorado College, his story is about how science saved literally his daughter's life and how that serves as a catalyst for his crusade to let science speak. Dr. Jacqueline Gill knows firsthand about the turbulent intersection of science and "political" perspective. She tells the story of her interactions with a conservative father and how there's no "staying in your lane" when humanity's future is at stake. Dr. Dawn Wright, Chief Scientist at ESRI, leads a life of adventure that has taken her to places most human will never go. She speaks of the essential role of oceans and why attacks on research jeopardize our future. She also makes one of the more thought-provoking statements in the film. Why do we know more about Mars and the moon than we do our own ocean? Dr. Katharine Hayhoe is a climate scientist at Texas Tech University who personifies brilliant climate messaging and being victimized by attacks. Yet, her story is one that challenges that notion that science and faith cannot co-exist. She is a Christian and speaks about why that guides how her science speaks.

Noted environmental journalist Andy Revkin sums up the film series best in a Tweet,

Wonderful to lead discussion at the #TribecaTVFestival on #LetScienceSpeak, particularly given the amazing "cast" and non-partisan, deeply human message on the enormous value of inquiry in service of a sustainable journey for all.

The short 5-6 minute films can be view at You can also follow the effort on Facebook, Instagram (@LetSciSpeak), and Twitter (@LetSciSpeak). Christine Arena and her amazing team deserve a major shout-out for their vision on this effort. We choose to speak.

The @LetSciSpeak Twitter page

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