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Ukrainians Prepping For Internet Loss By Getting Apps For Offline, Private, Mesh Communications

Updated Apr 14, 2022, 02:05pm EDT
This article is more than 2 years old.

Updated March 2 with a note on security in Bridgefy

The top apps being downloaded in Ukraine right now are Signal, the private messaging app, Bridgefy, which enables communications without the internet via mesh networking,, an offline mapping app, and several “walkie-talkie” apps that enable free communication without sign-ups or personal information.

In other words, Ukrainians are preparing for either the loss of the internet in their country, or the closure of the free internet behind a new digital iron curtain.

“Apps surging to the top of the charts in Ukraine are Walkie-Talkie apps, VoIP apps, offline navigation apps, VPN apps, Radio comms apps,” Adam Blacker, a VP at app analytics company Apptopia, said today on Twitter. “Many of these apps are enabling offline communication via traditional radio signal or via Bluetooth. These are apps we normally see trending during natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes.”

Russia has invaded Ukraine, killing multiple soldiers and civilians, and sources have told Forbes that they expect Ukraine’s power and internet to go down. Parts of Odessa have already lost power.

Here are the top ten free apps by downloads as of today:

Some of the apps, like Bridgefy, use Bluetooth to create a mesh network that does not depend on a functioning internet and cannot be easily disrupted by authorities. Hong Kong protesters used it when China took tighter control of the city in 2019.

From my post at that time:

“The app can connect people via standard Bluetooth across an entire city, thanks to a mesh network. Chatting is speediest with people who are close, of course, within a hundred meters (330 feet), but you can also chat with people who are farther away. Your messages will simply "hop" via other Bridgefy users' phones until they find your intended target. While you can chat privately with contacts, you can also broadcast to anyone within range, even if they are not a contact.”

Note: security researchers have identified a number of vulnerabilities in Bridgefy.

At least one of them has been fixed, according to the report, and the company says they are “publishing an update that will greatly improve security in approximately 3-4 weeks.” However, you should choose modes of communication for private and secure conversations carefully.

Some of the newly popular apps are ones to track airplanes, perhaps an unlikely-to-succeed attempt to see where the Russian air force is attacking.

Apps that are getting fewer downloads are games, social networking apps like Facebook, entertainment apps like TikTok, office apps like Zoom, and dating apps. All of that is understandable when the country and its citizens are facing violence and destruction.

In the most recent news, Russian forces are advancing into Ukraine’s capital city Kyiv while facing stiff resistance from Ukrainian troops and civilian volunteers while the European Union is freezing Russian assets, including those owned by Vladimir Putin. In addition, Russia has been banned from this year’s Eurovision contest, and the Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix has been canceled.

For continual updates, check this story:

ForbesLive: Russia Claims It's Ready To Negotiate With Ukraine
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