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Clearview AI’s Database Has Amassed 3 Billion Photos. This Is How If You Want Yours Deleted, You Have To Opt Out

Updated Jan 26, 2020, 09:35am EST
This article is more than 4 years old.

The Clearview AI nightmare has already been well-documented. Last week, the New York Times detailed how the firm’s facial recognition program had scraped sources including Facebook and Twitter to build its vast directory containing 3 billion images.

In the days since the story broke, Clearview AI–which is used by law enforcement agencies such as the FBI–has continued to create a storm of controversy. This week it emerged that Police have been ordered to stop using Clearview AI and Twitter has sent a cease and desist letter noting that the firm has violated the social network’s policies, demanding that any scraped data is deleted. 

Meanwhile, a lawsuit has just been filed against Clearview AI in Illinois, alleging that the firm’s actions are a threat to civil liberties.

Now, it’s emerged that if you want your image removed from Clearview’s database, you have to provide a headshot and a photo of your government issued ID. 

A quick look at the company’s privacy policy is enough to send shivers down the spine of even the most laid back person. Explaining how you need to email to request your images be removed, it reads: “Please submit name, a headshot and a photo of a government-issued ID to facilitate the processing of your request.”

Clearview AI catches criminals, so what’s the big deal?

It’s a terrifying thought, as is the fact that the company is already being used by multiple Police forces. The first customer was the Indiana State Police, which apparently managed to recognize someone who wasn’t previously in its databases and the man was arrested and charged. But a recent report by Buzzfeed has revealed that the bold claims made by Clearview are impossible to verify and could in fact, simply be wrong. 

Clearview says its technology is accurate only 75% of the time, and as Buzzfeed reported, even that can’t be proven. This compares to much more encouraging figures when facial recognition is approached in the right way. 

One facial recognition expert told me that if deployed correctly, the technology should be accurate in as many as 99% of cases. It’s about the data that feeds it: if the enrolled reference image is good, and the watch list is not too large, it should be very accurate. 

“Facial recognition is all about probabilities,” the source told me. “Specifically, the probability that the image on file matches the one you are checking. The best algorithms today are highly accurate. The challenge with Clearview is the sheer number and breadth of quality in their scraped database. Only by segmenting the database based on other data such as geography or links to other individuals is it possible to reduce the wide range of results.”

Why facial recognition needs to be controlled 

But there are many other additional issues. As Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault pointed out on the Smashing Security podcast, what happens about doppelgangers; what about the use of Clearview by governments; and what about the fact that no one explicitly gave permission for their face to be scraped by Clearview AI?

At the same time, it is predicted the app could eventually be open to the public. It goes without saying that this isn’t a thought anyone with any sense wants to entertain.

With even big guns such as Microsoft and Google in a conundrum about facial recognition programs, and as apps appear such as the Facebook app that got dropped, regulation is needed. And as for Clearview, it seems that the complaints and lawsuits are well founded. 

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