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Social Media Health Influencers Continue To Be Resource During Covid-19 Pandemic

Updated Jul 16, 2020, 10:57am EDT
This article is more than 3 years old.

Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic earlier this year people have been warned to social distance, to remain home as much as possible and to avoid crowds. While it remains very much clear that a huge segment of the population hasn't heeded such advice and in many cases has blatantly ignored government guidelines and even state/city orders, the calls to stay home have impacted many by convincing people not to go to the doctor even when it is necessary.

This has been a worrisome trend because people can be putting their lives at risk.

However, for less urgent medical issues as well as general health-related matters health influencers have continued to play a crucial role. According to the 2020 Social Influencer Report from, health influencers continue to impact the lives of many people – and 44% of people with health conditions said they valued the opinion or advice of a health influencer for information or support related to their health.

The Internet Generations And Health Influencers

Those who saw the growth of the Internet in the 1990s as well as those who literally grew up not knowing a time when "online" was just how New Yorkers queued up for groceries, health influencers remain quite important. According to the study, 76% of generation Z and 57% of millennials were more likely to find value in health influencers. Generation X ranked third highest at 44%.

The study found that YouTube and Twitter remained the most popular platforms for health condition among millennials; while generation X was most interested in condition-specific content, nutrition and alternative approaches whereas millennials were most interested in fitness and mental health content.

"Gen Z and millennials leverage the insights from health influencers like our parents and grandparents used to ask people in their community whether they'd used a product, tried a recipe or participated in an activity," said Dr. Elaine Hanh Le, senior director of Medical Affairs at Healthline.

"When gen Zs and millennials identify with health influencers who are going through the same health journey they are, including treatment options they've been prescribed by their clinicians, they're getting the same types of insights, answers, and reassurances that any of us would get if we asked someone in our community," added Hanh Le. "The only difference is that we now live in a global community brought online, where we can access more people who understand what we're going through and what clinical decisions we need to make."

Then there is the fact that younger people still can't talk about certain subjects with their peers or even close family.

"Health influencers often speak frankly about taboo topics that Gen Z and Millennials may be reticent to talk about with their friends or family members," explained Hanh Le. "Influencers and the conversations that unfold between them and their followers can provide insights and answers generation Zs and millennials may not be able to get anywhere else."

Health Influencer After The Pandemic

It is likely that when (hopefully sooner than later) this pandemic is resolved, health influencers will remain quite influential. Unlike influencers who promote brands or products, these types promote wellness, something that is valuable all year round.

"Health influencers provided a service and value to their audience before Covid-19, and they’ll likely remain relevant after the pandemic passes because of that perceived value," suggested Hanh Le.

Yet, much like those influencers that promote products, brands and lifestyle it will be about ensuring that a connection is made with those watching.

"The most important determinant in the longevity of any influencer is his/her relationship with their audience," added Hanh Le. "The change that we’re seeing and will hopefully continue to see is that more medically credible clinicians will step in to become health influencers to provide the insights and clarity that have been lacking over the past several weeks and months, amid the confusion of the Covid-19 pandemic."

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