1. A little churlish, Laurel, to talk about newspapers nicking conversations from social media, when so much of social media discussion is built around links to traditional media…

    And what you’re essentially talking about is not some trend to mine social media, simply examples of cheap, crap journalism. There’s just new ways to do it. There’s always been crap journalism, and unfortunately there always will be. Thankfully the interweb delivers us plenty of quality reporting from very fine journalists if you want to go looking for it…

    1. yeah I thought about that. Trad media writes about human activity. We write about trad media and human activity. Bloggers also write about each others blogs. It’s a web of creator, responder, commenter.

      I guess the point I’m making – and maybe not clearly? – is that communities expect and usually receive respect. Bloggers tear shreds off each other’s ideas, but it’s not continual linkbait, unless it’s personal. Linkbait I think is bloggers term for “if it bleeds, it leads”. These types of articles which look personal to the victim are really an impersonal form of linkbaiting, selling more subscriptions, copies.

      A business reality for newspapers but takes away from their historical mandate as “news server to the community” and becomes “preyer on the community”. Is that too harsh?

      It probably is – because we are at fault. Why is crap journalism so well read – mainstream newspapers and photoshopped women’s magazines top the circulation list, rather than something a bit more erudite. Even the shock jock bloggers do better in the short term with crap journogging (journalist that blog sensationalist material).
      Beats me.

  2. Laurel,

    I think it’s much simpler than that. I’d make the point that crap journalism is NOT a new trend. It’s existed for as long as the media has. I get fed up with new media campaigners and social media experts reading the Daily Telegraph gossip column and deciding all media is rotten. No, the Daily Telegraph is rotten – there’s plenty of quality stuff out there, and it’s never been easier to access. Don’t tar all journalists and all ‘traditional’ reporting models with the same brush. Much of it is good, and much of it is STILL the best model for upholding those fourth estate principles that remain vital.

    As I said, exploitative journalism has been around since the printing press. Online networks are merely the new medium for gathering it.

  3. Laurel, the media’s bread and butter is to take information ‘out of context and use their publishing power to bully or intimidate’, no matter whether it is social media or not. Sadly, those in social media are going to have to get used to that and, probably, contextualise their content in this knowledge.

    Conversely, high-minded/aspirational social media principles can be adhered to and, over time, this may influence the less principled elements of traditional media.

    I wouldn’t be holding your breath, though….

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