How to Use Social Media to Pitch Sales Presentations

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Currently, there are about 4.62 billion social media users worldwide. Moreover, social media is becoming a trend in pitching sales presentations and using other marketing tactics for your product or service.

Overall, a well-structured sales pitch will get your prospects excited about potential opportunities that you’re offering them and influence them to take further steps with you.

Sales pitches are, in other words, crafting a narrative for your client. However, many salespeople only treat their sales pitch as a presentation of facts, results, and arguments based on their data.

Well, without further ado, in this article, you’ll find out how you can use social media to pitch your sales presentation in the right way.

Let’s dive right in!

How to use social media to pitch your sales presentation

  1. Conduct research

Before you do anything, no matter which social media platform you are presenting on, you have to do your research for your presentation. It’s the backbone of any good story that you’ll try to tell. What can you take into consideration when doing research?

2. Define your objectives and focus 

You don’t just randomly go on social media and pitch your sales presentation; there is much more to it than just that. Your presentation should be mission-oriented and one that works towards solving a problem. 

You can try finding some good examples of your own social posts that worked great for you in your past projects and goals. After all, pitching great sales presentations on social media means understanding your audience and using KPIs in order to find out how well your insights are doing. 

Include strong bullet points and data to support your overall thesis. Conduct research to narrow your presentation to only a few simple points. After all, you don’t want to get complex when presenting. 

3. Who is your audience, and where are they hanging out? 

Research for your sales pitch presentation shouldn’t only be limited to the topic you are speaking about in your presentation. Moreover, you’ll need to research your audience on social media channels and find out where they are hanging out. Is it on Facebook, Instagram, or which social media platform? 

Sadly, over 70% of marketers don’t know their target audience, and this is a huge issue when it comes to presenting something new to them and pitching sales presentations. 

For example, suppose you pitch a sales presentation to a new client on social media. In that case, you’ll need to have excellent deep knowledge of their industry, brand, and business activities to be successful. Beyond this, you’ll need to find out the pain points a client undergoes all the time with their current strategies and tell them how you’ll address these issues. 

Furthermore, to find out more about your clients and target audience, you can ask and answer the following questions: 

  • On Which social networks is your target audience participating in? 
  • How much are they using that social network? 
  • Are they interacting enough on this social network?
  • What kind of pages do they follow on these social networks? 

After answering the following questions, you can construct your sales pitch presentation effectively to present on social media. Before you present, you have to set up everything effectively, and the only way to do that is to ask questions and seek an answer for them. When your audience is active enough, it gets easier to pitch your sales presentation.

4. Use data visualizations and deck templates

90% of the information easily transmitted to our brains is visual. This means that our brains can quickly process visuals and better understand the whole idea. After all, what would you choose, read boring long texts or understand the whole point through visuals? Of course, we would like to see the simpler and easier way more. 

Generally speaking, graphs and charts are a great way to present your whole idea to your audience on social media. Additionally, social media has visual content, no matter which one you use. For example, on Facebook, over 70% of posts use visuals, and less than 30% only use texts. If you use social platforms such as Instagram, LinkedIn, the percentage is even higher. 

Visuals help you tell a compelling story and express the beauty of it. They make your sales presentation easier to understand and engage audiences at a higher level. Your main aim is to have people’s attention, and visuals help you do that. 

Furthermore, alongside visuals, you can use deck templates. They enhance the presentation’s simplicity and make things look more interesting. For instance, Pitch offers the following deck templates: 

  • Creative agency templates 
  • Startup deck templates
  • Sales deck bold, and much more templates. 

For a hand with the design, these templates for pitch decks templates are top-notch. 

5. Have an established presence

Presenting your sales presentation is most interesting when you have an engaged audience and spark an interest in them while presenting. Social media works best when you have a significant established presence there. You can’t expect to present a great idea or sell something if you have 500 followers and engagement rates are low. 

According to a study, Instagram was the social media platform with the highest engagement rate at 7.2%. Influencers who operate on these social platforms will also mention that those with fewer followers will have higher engagement rates, meaning you are presenting your idea better to your audience. 

So, to ensure you are effectively using social media to pitch your sales presentation, you want to ensure you have at least some established presence and an engaged audience. After all, it’s better to have 1000 engaged followers than 10,000 followers, and none of them are engaged.

6. Use social selling 

Across many social media platforms, you can effectively pitch your sales presentation through social selling. Moreover, there are two main approaches to do this: 

  • Outreach: Following, messaging, and connecting with your prospects 
  • Content: creating great content that will engage your prospects 

Let’s get into a deep understanding of some standard social selling methods that are used: 

  • LinkedIn message: similar to cold emailing to pitch your sales presentation 
  • Tweets: prospects talk about issues, and you seek to solve them on Twitter by pitching your sales presentation 
  • LinkedIn invite: short messages requesting to connect with your prospect 
  • Facebook & Instagram posts: presenting your sales presentation on Facebook to your engaged audience 

All social media platforms have a limited amount of characters you can write in a post. You’ll need to maximize your creativity here when presenting your pitch. In this case, it’s best to focus on the main ideas. Here’s an example you can use with a LinkedIn message: 

“Hi (first name), congrats on your latest achievements! We’ve seen some issues you have been addressing on your LinkedIn posts and were concerned about this. To not take much of your time, we just wanted to inform you that we had similar prospects who underwent these issues in the (industry prospect is operating in) industry. Furthermore, we helped them generate the results they were looking for and are fond of asking if you are interested in doing the same”

Now, this was just an example. You can structure your message whichever way you like. However, you need to get to the point fast and not write long paragraphs to bore the prospect and have them refuse to read your message any further. 

7. Use the elevator’s pitch method

The elevator pitch is a popular method when pitching sales presentations. Why is this? It’s because you only have 30 seconds or less to share your solution to the prospect’s problem. Anything more than that means your prospects will lose interest in what you are saying. 

In short, while you are presenting something on social media, you can use a ‘get to the point’ sales presentation to make it different from other offers. Try testing it on people you know and see what they have to say about it. After all, prospects always want you to get to the point. 

Wrapping it up 

Well, that’s about it for this article. Hopefully, now you have a clear idea of pitching your sales presentation using social media. Overall, you must study well about your prospects before you present them with your sales presentation.  

Beware that your branding is crucial when you implement social media marketing strategies, the key component of being recognizable is to have an adequate brand, therefore research how the New York branding agencies are conducting their work since they are attuned to the high-end trends that are evolving each day.

Take into account what problems you can solve for your audience. Use visuals, pitch desk templates, keep your sales presentation straightforward and easy to understand, and most importantly, find out which social networks your prospects are hanging around. 

After all, you only have one time to make an excellent first impression, so we recommend you spend a vast amount of time researching before you act. It won’t do you any harm. 

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