HTC S710: A Beauty

A geek buyer to a shop-keeper – ”Hey, I am looking to buy a Smartphone”.

Shopkeeper – Great, Sir! Check out this one, it has got a stylus, a huge screen-size and what not and what-not!!

Buyer – Well I am looking out for something which should have Windows 6.0 version, a WiFi support, should have a minimum screen-size of 2.4 inches, possibly have a 2.0 mega-pixel camera, a qwerty keyboard, some gigs of expandable memory and my budget, well it is not more than 15K.

Shopkeeper – Sir, check out this one then. It doesn’t have a stylus, its got a qwerty keyboard and is quite cool. I must say its fulfills most if not all the features you’re looking out for. (the shop-keeper uses all his experience to market the cellphone)

Buyer – Ah.. looks quite cool. How much does it cost?

Shopkeeper – Price slightly higher than 15k it costs 19k bucks.

Buyer – 19k ? No, I don’t think I have my budget fits it at this stage. I really cannot stretch beyond 15k. Thats the upper-cut for me πŸ™‚

Shopkeeper – Ok, there’s one option still remaining. Its the cool HTC S710. Its fits your budget and its a true marvel Sir πŸ™‚

Image via Anand’s Blog

  • Large 2.4” QVGA TFT LCD display (Portrait and Landscape modes)
  • Windows Liveβ„’
  • Auto-sliding QWERTY keyboard for easier typing and much more..
  • The customer had already conducted his research, spoken with his opinion leaders, had set his budget and most importantly set his expectations right πŸ™‚

    What next? His HTC S710 is into its third-day and today he’s blogging about it from the phone itself πŸ˜‰


    Filed under Mobiles

    3 responses to “HTC S710: A Beauty

    1. daksh

      @ AG – Thanks for pointing out about the image. Just changed it. Um.. still getting my hands comfortable on the Qwerty keyboard so guess it should take a lill more while.

      Wi-Fi connection did make things simpler.

    2. Good. So you’ve been using the Qwerty to blog!
      So how was the experience, do you think it’s as comfy as using the standard keyboard? It sure is hip to blog with your smartphone. And you were on wi-fi right?
      Wow sound cool!
      Suggestion… Put a better image of the phone.. This one has caught a reflection.


    3. amit

      gud one smartphones rock

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