How To Use Email Marketing To Boost Organic Traffic

email marketing

Organic traffic brings more high-quality leads as well as gives your website a competitive edge over others. Most digital marketers will tell you that the easiest way to get organic traffic is to list yourself on Google. This search engine can indeed bring you a lot of organic traffic, but as you’d expect, competition for top Google ranking is extremely high!

So if you need to boost organic traffic, read further.

The power of SEO email marketing

One of the biggest benefits of incorporating email marketing in SEO is that you are not limited by word restrictions like Twitter or creative restrictions like search engines. In no way do we encourage you to abandon other ways of increasing organic search, like using backlinks packages. You can check more about link building on this site. Vice versa, we recommend diversifying the techniques to reach their full potential. The use of SEO email marketing will allow you to add breathtaking visuals and as many words as you want. Best of all, there are no restrictions on the types of links you want to include in every email. As long as your SEO emails contain valuable information, you will be able to drive organic traffic to your site.

Did you know that most consumers prefer brands to contact them via email? It makes email a powerful tool for driving traffic to an e-commerce site. But how can you effectively use it to drive traffic?

First of all, consider different ways of building an email list and choose the one that fits your needs. Secondly, think about which info will be interesting for various groups of your clients. Try to give people only relevant promotions and information.

But what email content can drive traffic to an e-commerce site?

If you have an online store, then email marketing is a very important tool for its promotion. No other marketing channel will allow you to influence your relationship with customers so much. The availability of emails and the fact that they are independent of the platform you use makes them an almost perfect way to promote your store, meaning high organic traffic.

Transactional emails:

Include additional or related products in your transactional emails. Then ask customers to share what they’ve purchased on social media or refer a friend to your site. Transactional emails are programmable (i.e., automatic) emails that are sent when certain events occur. Such events do not require any additional data entry. These include, for example:

  • Password reset requests.
  • Online store order confirmation.
  • Emails confirming the creation of an account.

Behavioral Trigger Emails:

Include links to products and offers based on audience behavior. For example, emails such as cart abandonment emails and product offer emails are behavioral trigger emails.

Promotional Emails:

Send emails informing your customers about promotions and discounts, limited offers, special deals, new products, and more. Marketing letters, opposite to transactional emails, are strategic in the sense that they are sent not just like that but as part of a marketing campaign. Each letter serves a specific purpose.

 Examples of marketing letters:

  • Messages about sales and promotions.
  • Letters with various advice.
  • Newsletters.

Usually, you collect addresses at special “transactional” points. Such as creating an account or placing an order. Try to direct your efforts towards collecting addresses directly for marketing purposes. Email addresses can be collected not only from buyers – even from ordinary visitors to your site. And for this, there is a ready-made algorithm.

How to receive email addresses for marketing purposes

To do it, you will need two things:

  • What buyers are willing to exchange their addresses for ( some action).
  • A tool with which you will collect addresses (a special registration form).

Let’s consider these two points in more detail.

1. Create an enticing offer

Buyers are very careful when it comes to their email addresses. And if you want them to share this information with you, you will have to offer something of value in return.

The owner of an online store has several such “lures” at his disposal:

  • Exclusive discounts and offers are available only to those who subscribe to the email newsletter.
  • High-quality content in the form of guides, news, etc.
  • Mystery sales for subscribers only.
  • Big discounts – especially for those customers who are ready to abandon the cart without buying anything.
  • Notifications for new items and promotions.

What exactly you should offer to the buyer will depend on what stage of the buyer’s journey they are currently in. Generally speaking, content-driven offers work best for buyers who are just starting to decide what they want to buy. Invite them for signing up to your mailing list if they’re just exploring the possibilities and have looked at your blog. What for? For example, to read a series of helpful guides or just to keep up with your news.

Money-based offers work best when the buyer is almost ready to make a decision. If he spends a lot of time on a product page or adding items to his cart, show him your discounts or special coupon.

2. Create a Form to Collect Email Addresses

The technical side of the process of collecting email addresses is much simpler. In general, email addresses can be collected using two types of forms: Inline forms embedded in a page (or popup) or Landing pages with forms on them.

There are also various applications that allow you to create forms to collect email addresses. For example, Form Builder, Email List Builder, Poptin – Smart pop-ups and contact forms, Easy Popup, Exit Offer.

As demonstrated, SEO emails play an important role in organic traffic. View this page to find more information on how email traffic can boost SEO ranking. After sending emails, you need to follow the analytics. Analyze open rates, click-through rates (CTR), email spam rate and list growth rates. Then evaluate the data received to cultivate the content strategy email traffic, which, in turn, will impact organic traffic.

1 thought on “How To Use Email Marketing To Boost Organic Traffic”

  1. Great post! Your tips on using email marketing to boost organic traffic are super practical. The advice on segmenting audiences and crafting valuable offers really stands out. Thanks for sharing these actionable strategies!

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