Web Development Team Structure: Roles & Responsibilities

web development

ย Today we are here to tell you about the whole concept behind the web development team their roles responsibilities and expectations. All of this is done by a custom web application development company. These companies are responsible for making new web pages with the help of other web developers, as we have mentioned further in our blog. There are a number of these custom web application companies who are in role in the market these days.

Web development

As the very name web development in itself justifies its significance. This word consists of two words web and development.

Web:- it refers to the website or the web page which ae run over the internet for an ample of different purposes.

Development:- it means the creation of something from its non-existence.

Web development refers to the creation of a web page its styling logic and purpose, the work of the web development team is not just this but they have to keep maintaining their page until this page exists and they want it to be working. Web development is not just a piece of cake that can be finished in seconds it takes months to create an extraordinarily effective well working web page for which the web development team has to work with great enthusiasm and collaboration, as this is not a one man show it needs a proper functioning team lead by a responsible leader which is your senior or manager in most cases.

Classification of the web development team

As it is very clear from the above paragraph that there are a number of works to be done just to create a single web page. So it is categorized mainly into two parts:-

  • Front end developer
  • Backend developer

These two categories of web development teams can further be divided into sub category as a development team needs a person with knowledge of HTML, CSS, javascript, java, etc.

Languages used to develop a web page:-

  • Java โ€“ it is a high level object oriented language consisting of class
  • Javascript โ€“ a core client side web developing language
  • HTML (hyper text markup language) or XHTML(extensible hyper text markup language)- it is a mark up language use to create a skeleton of a web page, that is it gives a framework to a web page.
  • CSS (cascading style sheet) โ€“ it is a style sheet language which gives style to a web page.

All of these languages when encapsulated together give a user friendly attractive web page.

Detail on web development team

Let us now dive deeper into this scenario of the two different web development teams.

Front end developer

When you open a web page the interactive face of the webpage is designed using mainly two languages that is HTML and CSS. The HTML give a skeleton system that is frame to the whole web page all the content to be written is written with the HTML which consists of a number of tags like the <html> </html>, <head> </head> and many more.

Lets us now see a very easy HTML code to just print one paragraph.

!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang=”en”>


    <title>web app development team</title>



    <p>this is the structure of HTML used by front end developer</p>



The output of this particular coding is.

Web Development Team Structure: Roles & Responsibilities

This code only consists of HTML tags and nothing more which leads us to the formation of a webpage. These are more tags used for headings ranging from h1 to h6 and br tag is used to break the line. there are more tags to add pictures and audio videos etc.

Now when we move further CSS comes into play. This CSS (cascading style sheet) is used in the head part of the HTML code written to create a web page, this also consists of numerous tags like <color> </color>, <font-family>, <font-size>, <background-color>, etc.

These are used to decorate and make our page more attractive, we can make tables shadow the texts we can also give color to the container of our web page, and then do further detailing and also adding icons.

So here we are referring you to the code of how to use CSS in the head part.


    <title> ABOUT CSS </title>


      *{text-align: justify;color: red;}

      .class1{text-align: left;}

      h1.class3{background-color: aqua;color: aqua;}

      ol.class4{background-color: aqua;}

      #ide1{color: purple;}

      #ide2{color: green;}

      #ide3{color: yellow;}

      #ide4{color: magenta;}

      #ide5{color: cyan;}

      ul{background-color: pink;}



After the use of these CSS selectors we can see an output as

Web Development Team Structure: Roles & Responsibilities

So as you see here the web pages have got a colorful look this way the CSS teamwork on the decorative look of the page and then comes the final logical part of the page. This comes under the back end developer part.

Back end developer

ย After going to the web page when you click a button you get some options or some agreement statement with yes or no or other options, these add logic to the page to make it safe for the user to have a second confirmation, all this is the part of the back end team of the web development team who uses javascript which is a programming language to make the page user interactive and add logic to the page.

These java script codes are written in the body part of the HTML code under the tag <script> which is a closing tag and is closed by the tag </script>.

Blog as a whole

In this blog, we have tried to give a complete idea about the creation of a web page by web development team to its decorations and logic adding. All of this is done in an integrated manner by small groups of the same group members and then encapsulated to give a user-friendly interface by coving up all its programming complexities.

We have also given an overview of HTML and CSS programming and some tags as examples.

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