What Does ISO 17712
Certification Mean for Bolt Seals?

Nowadays you can find many businesses providing security seal services. They provide many security seals, security labels, security tapes, as well as security bags. Security seals include sub-categories for High-Security Seals, Plastic Security Seals, etc. The following concentrates on the High-Security Seals sub-category because these are popular. Not every security seal manufacturer can give you these kinds of seals.

What Exactly Is ISO?

ISO or International Organization for Standardization tends to be the world’s biggest developer of particular voluntary International Standards. When looking at a standard, this is a document that gives requirements, specifications, guidelines, and characteristics that may be employed consistently to make certain that materials, products, processes along services are perfect for their purpose.

The ISO International Standards make certain that products, as well as services, are safe, reliable, as well as of good quality.

What To Know About ISO Standards For Security Seals

ISO 17712 tends to be the standardized document that gives uniform procedures to classify, accept, and also withdraw mechanical freight container seals. With this, you will get a single source of information concerning mechanical seals that are acceptable for securing your freight containers when it comes to international commerce.

When it comes to ISO 17712, this defines three kinds of classes of security seal strength or even barrier capacity. The “I” is for Indicative; the “S” is for Security, and the “H” is for High Security. You should know that C-TPAT needs the employment of “H” class seals. Suppliers must employ independent third-party test laboratories to validate the security seal’s classification. The test laboratory must be accredited according to the ISO/IEC 17025. This is the general need for the competence of testing as well as calibration laboratories to carry out testing that is specific to ISO 17712.

ISO 17712 standard needs independent testing which should be against three main categories that are given below:

Mechanical Testing That Will Determine the Security Seals Physical Strength (Clause 5)

The “H” Class Security Seals or the High-Security Seals get made to the highest standards and are marked with the letter “H” upon the seal’s body. Popular high-security seals include bolt seals as well as cable seals.

Seals Should Be Designed and Also Made With Tamper Indicative Features Which Give Tell-Tale Evidence Of Tampering (Clause 6)

The security seals should be compliant with Clause 6 as well, i.e. Evidence of Tampering. Clause 6 needs the manufacturer to have some documentation along with an audited process plus test specification present in its quality manual for the High-Security Seals within its product range.

When a High-Security Seals gets only presented with a clause 5 certificate or only a clause 6 certificate, it will not have the “H” classification. Therefore, it will not be a High-Security Seal.

Auditing Of the Manufacturer’s Security-Connected Business Processes (Annex A)

When there are poor security-related manufacturing procedures, these may undercut the effectiveness of the high-security seal. Annex A defines more than two dozen required practices.

If you want to know if a High-Security Seal is certified as ISO 17712:2013, contact the security seal supplier. You can ask them to give you the ISO certificates required.