1. I cannot LOVE this post enough. Thanks for the trail wallet recommendation, I’ll look into that immediately after I’m done commenting! The travel bug has definitely bitten, but my budget hasn’t quite caught up with the bite yet.

    I’ve done the one color palette for packing many times, it’s a sanity saver! Pack one pair of *comfortable* shoes (assuming you don’t wear them when you’re traveling to your destination) because it’ll save so much bag room… and, well, life is just too short for uncomfortable shoes.

    Researching hashtags ahead of time is also great, so you can create your collection. Nothing like taking a video of the Eiffel Tower sparkling and not being able to post it right away because you’re searching out the right Paris hashtags. Not that I would know anything about that, no, not me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Thanks for this, Peg!

    1. Krista,

      Right? You’ll just have to go back to the twinkling Eiffel Tower armed with appropriate hashtags.

      I was going to add if you want to bring boots wear them on the plane so they don’t take up too much space in your suitcase.

      You’ll be able to travel more! ๐Ÿ™‚

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