Social Media Scores over Mass Media Again

Are you a budding singer? Have you been rejected by one of the reality music shows? Is it curtains for you?

Nah.. think twice before actually coming to the conclusion that it is the end of the road for your singing career. The main-page story about Dr K Chaudhry in today’s Metro Now grabbed my attention.

64 year old Dr. K Chaudhry has once again proved what social media can do or more appropriately how people can utilize social media. Dr. K Chaudhry appeared before a tv channel for the ‘Bathroom Singer Reality Show‘ but his voice was found unsuitable for the TV episode.

Keen to prove his worth, Dr. K Chaudhry decided to upload his video on YouTube and he became an instant hit. As Manish Adhikary mentions in the news paper article he has become a rage on YouTube with a collection of over 500 videos of his performance. Infact he’s also conducted lessons on ‘Learn PHP‘ and ‘Learn Astrology in a Day’ on YouTube.

Here is a video of one of the Hindi Songs sung by Dr. K Chaudhry

To find more of these interesting videos do a search for ‘drkchaudhry’ on YouTube.

Its heartening to see that sometimes ‘rejection’ can bring the best out of individuals. Call it the ‘citizen power’ or the ‘power of community’. Refer to today’s Metro Now to find more information about this story

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Filed under Web 2.0

4 responses to “Social Media Scores over Mass Media Again

  1. Somehow i missed the point. Probably lost in translation đŸ™‚ Anyway … nice blog to visit.

    cheers, Rancid.

  2. hewer says : I absolutely agree with this !

  3. Hi!
    Whom should I thank? Who is author of this story on blog? Just when Metro Now was out, India TV contacted me and telecasst live interview same day 13 May 2008 04.30 PM

  4. Pingback: Youtube » Social Media Scores over Mass Media Again

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