Debbie Weil

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Do You Know Your Social Media Sweet Spot?

Debbie Weil

Your sweet spot is where what YOU want to achieve using social media coincides with what your audience wants. While they may get "Liked" a lot (which requires only a click), their social media content is not prompting fans to take a specific action or provide more substantive feedback.

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Debbie Weil on Corporate Blogging and Social Media

Debbie Weil



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Debbie Weil on Corporate Blogging and Social Media

Debbie Weil


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Debbie Weil on Corporate Blogging and Social Media

Debbie Weil


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Debbie Weil on Corporate Blogging and Social Media

Debbie Weil


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Debbie Weil on Corporate Blogging and Social Media

Debbie Weil


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Debbie Weil on Corporate Blogging and Social Media

Debbie Weil
