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Social Media Influencers In The Post Pandemic World Part 3: The Need To Pivot

This article is more than 3 years old.

Even as stay at home orders are rescinded and the world settles into its new normal, social distancing will likely remain in place. How social media might be used in the coming weeks and months is uncertain, as is the power of marketing as the country – and world – meets these challenges. That may require influencers to evolve with the changes in the evolving platforms.

In part one and two of this three-part series on post-pandemic social media marketing, experts in the field discuss the role that influences played – as well as how influencers have been adapting.

It may not be enough to simply adapt to the new normal of the post-pandemic world; instead social media influencers may need to "pivot" to stay relevant.

While a pivot usually occurs when a company makes a fundamental change to its core business – Netflix is an example that pivoted from being a DVD-by-mail rental business to a streaming service; while Flicker began as an online role-playing game called Neverending, which found that its photo-sharing tool was the most popular aspect of the game.

Be More Aspirational

For social media influencers a pivot won't mean such a fundamental shift. These individuals can remain influencers but the way they connect with audiences to use their influence may be what needs to make the pivot as we come out of the coronavirus pandemic.

"If the influencer is creating a world on their channel that's more 'aspirational' than it is useful, then the balance of that content is skewed," suggested Laurie Buckle, founder of CookIt Media, an influencer marketing agency that specializes in food and lifestyle content creation.

"The influencer's obligation is to meet the reader where they're at," she explained. "Doing that now is requiring that they – and the brands they work with – pivot to address the issues important to all of us at a human level. Being tone deaf to the current situation will alienate audiences who feel overwhelmed, anxious, and unsure of the future."

The connection to the audience will also require a pivot.

"(The influencers) should try to relate to their audiences as best as they can – tailoring their normal content, and thinking about how it can be leveraged at home," said Marshall Sandman, host of the Instagram Live series @SpillingtheQuarantea and influencer marketing expert.

"For example, if they normally promote new bars or restaurants, they can offer up unique cocktail recipes to make at home," added Sandman. "If they previously showcased fashion events on their feeds, they can demonstrate how to purge or reorganize their closets."

Brand Relevance

For social media marketing it may not just need to be the influencers that need to make the pivot either. Brands will have to pivot to this changing world as large gatherings are on hold, and everything from restaurants to movie theaters to fitness clubs are forced to operate at vastly reduced capacity.

"With COVID-19 transforming the way consumers and businesses connect, social media is the new IRL, and many brands are taking notice and action," said Chris Bower, Fullscreen Brand Group spokesperson and senior vice president of sales and brand partnerships.

Those brands that could win and stay relevant during this time – and even into the future – are the ones staying authentic and sensitive and predicting what the world will look like after the pandemic, added Bower.

"They are looking at what the new normal will be and pivoting strategy by throwing out the marketing 101 playbook that is no longer relevant," Bower noted. "From health brands partnering with creators to design at-home and livestream workouts, to fast casual brands hosting virtual lunches with creators and fans, brands are getting creative with how they pivot, provide value, and build audience relationships."

Delays And Cancellations

We've seen that professional sports have been put on hold, the fall TV season is unlikely to be anything but reality TV and possibly remote game shows, so influencers and brands must also pivot to adjust to the changing reality.

"While brand deals may be put on pause or canceled, influencers can focus on building their followings with genuine and honest content, while networking with brands and industry contacts so they're top-of-mind when brand campaigns increase again," noted Sandman.

Yet, at the same time brands can't simply put everything on hold either.

"It's crucial for brands to stay in-market during this time; and brands and influencers will need to continue to innovate when it comes to relating to their communities," said Bower. The emphasis should be less on sales and lower funnel messaging, but rather, refocused on messaging in order to connect with your audience and build a deeper bond."

Skip The Pivot

The counter thinking from some marketers is that such pivots may not even be necessary or required. Rather increased focus could be a better course of action.

"Brands and influencers won't necessarily need to 'pivot,' but they will have to be hyper-focused, and unwavering with their ability to consistently deliver high-quality, on-brand content," said Jared Augustine, co-founder & CEO of social marketing platform Julius.

"If it isn't utilitarian, entertaining, or relatable, it should be cut from the content calendar," Augustine suggested.

"With limited real-life social interactions, consumers are being pulled in a million different digital directions all the time. Influencers and marketers need to focus on grabbing attention quickly before their target audience jumps onto the 100th Zoom meeting of the day," said Augustine.

How exactly could this be pulled off is the question however.

"By listening," said Augustine. "Brands need to listen to influencers to know what they actually want to create, and what their audiences want to see. Lockdown has been so nuanced and unique for everyone and making broad assumptions about what influencers and consumers want isn't going to resonate, and could lead to disengagement."

We will get through this, and as Buckle added, "Content that helps them navigate the world they live in now, that informs and inspires them, will go a long way toward retaining and even building audiences."

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