Don’t Get Lost In Translation

Don’t Get Lost In Translation

The Internet now provides businesses and brands with an unprecedented ability to reach large audiences throughout the world. Even the smallest of businesses with a quality product or service to offer can now build the necessary web based infrastructure that allows them to reach localized markets in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately for many brands, there can be plenty of mistakes and shortcomings along the way that make success less likely. When tapping into new markets in foreign lands, it’s important to ensure that your website can make the sale. We’ll discuss how you can be sure that your website doesn’t fall apart due to a variety of language and/or cultural differences.


Proper Translation Services

In order for the average target consumer in a foreign market to understand your content, products offerings and marketing, you must invest intelligently in translation services. While there are plenty of translation services available on the web who claim to provide great translation, remember that there is a difference between merely translating words and translating intent. As such, it is highly advised that you invest in services such as a translation brief document before fully translating your website. This will help to ensure that all content can be translated in an effective and relevant way, and will give you the time and opportunity to rephrase or otherwise alter some content to be more meaningful in its targeted language.

Understand Cultural Barriers And Differences

Many people who are expanding their brands into new markets believe that the most important aspect of doing business on the web and abroad is accurate translation. While this matters substantially, the biggest potential obstacle between you and massive sales in foreign markets definitely pertains to cultural barriers and differences. It’s vital that prior research be conducted in order to understand subtle cultural differences in elements such as product placement, pricing, marketing and more, or else your efforts may not resonate with target audiences. Market research that aims to understand different cultural considerations should be at the top of your list when building a website that can compete in markets different than your native one.

Layout And Design Considerations

Different markets have different demands of Internet based businesses, and not all of them are related to culture or language. It’s highly important to consider aesthetics in your website’s design for several reasons. Perhaps most importantly, the audience may be completely different in terms of the devices that they use to access your website. In many portions of Asia and Africa for instance, mobile phones comprise an overwhelming majority of Internet based traffic for e-commerce and retail websites. Because of this, a mobile-responsive design is even more necessary than usual (mobile responsive design is effectively required by major search engines today if your website is to be ranked well in search results). A standard website will render poorly on most mobile devices.

From translation services to layout and cultural concerns, you’ll want to do your research before launching a new, foreign based website. Follow these tips and it won’t get lost in translation.