Tricks that eCommerce Businesses Love

Tricks that eCommerce Businesses Love

Building your own business is a goal of many people, and nowadays it seems easier than ever to get your own bit of online digital space and use it to sell what you truly believe in. If you’re setting up a new eCommerce business, you may be feeling many things: excited, scared, numb – but one thing’s for sure, you probably want your business to go well. The following tricks are used and abused by eCommerce businesses across the world, and that means that they work.

Keep Lean and Switch-Up

Keeping lean is one of the most important business philosophical breakthroughs of our time. In the eCommerce world, that means that you need to experiment – a lot. You should create many different ads for many different products, test out their formatting, images and wordplay, and keep changing your adverts until you find that sweet spot that drives sales. Once you’ve created profitable advertising, you can start to let loose on your own website. The reason you need to sort out advertising first is because you won’t know if website changes work until you have regular visitors. Don’t get sentimental about any aspect of your site – you should be ready to chop anything and replace with something else, in the name of improving your sites function and profitability. Try not to make any assumptions and just remember you’re collecting data.

Hold out on the Cash

Woo, you’re making money! If you’re excited about getting revenue, you should take a deep breath and distance yourself from the idea of it making its way into your pockets yet. At an early stage, you need to reinvest, reinvest, reinvest. Spend profit on advertising and website improvements, just remember the bottom line.

Be Disciplined with your Schedule

If you have a new store, you should probably know about the joys of content marketing and, of course, the beauty of eCommerce link building. If you are using a blog-based marketing strategy, you should add posts in a disciplined manner. Be very regular with when you post and what content you put out. If you add products each week, do it on the same day. If you add a video to your blog, make sure you do it in regular intervals. This gives fans of your site and blog an idea of when they should come back and visit. If you build a regular viewership, you can imagine how that translates to regular customers.

Sell yourself to Influencers

There will be people with lots of followers on a particular social medium whose audience are your perfect customers. Sell yourself to them – let them know what you do, why you’re great and give them loads of free products. If that’s not enough to get them to tell their viewers about you, just pay them. Finding a good influencer is a lot harder than it looks and you can easily find one with loads of followers who don’t convert. If you’re not careful, you can hand over a lot of cash for very little benefit, so you need to vet your influencers properly.

Why Should Anybody Buy Your Products?

You need to explicitly tell your customers why your products are great in the product description. You should give product details in a concise manner and experiment with what you include. People often read the details if they’re not sure if the product is for them, so give them a nice, easy to read, short paragraph that explains how to use the product and its best features. Maybe explain when they can use it, and try to give an idea of how it will make their friends think of them. This is especially true for fashion products.

Look Pretty!

Your website should look beautiful. Everything on it should look beautiful. The prettier your site, the less resistant people will be to buy from it. Product pages should have many images that show different angles and uses. Your homepage should be attention-grabbing and should allow your customers to picture themselves with your product. Your blog posts should be very visual, and you should load your site up with images, GIFs and maybe even a video to separate bodies of text and make your content easy to digest.

Find a Role Model

The last item on this list is a bit more difficult to gauge the benefits, but it’s really worth it. You should seek a mentor, which in the eCommerce industry can be pretty difficult. You should find a similar but better brand that you aspire to be like and model your brand after them. When you’ve done this for long enough, you might even be able to approach them and get some advice.