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Mad Avenue Blues – The day “Old Media” died

[youtube 6CqRcCHk_Pc]

No serious posts on Fridays !!! 🙂 Just found this super funny video about changing media on one of the friends wall’s and couldn’t not to share it with you. What do think ?  I bet by next friday it will have over 1 00 000 clicks, wanna bet? 🙂

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- who has written 111 posts on Social Media Citizens – Interviews with social media influencers from around the world.

Giedrius Ivanauskas is the founder/editor of Social Media Citizens and co-founder of Social Marketing Forum. He also blogs on Social Media Today and Giedrius is a managing partner at Nearby Digital - location focused social media marketing agency and is passionate explorer of Augmented Reality, Startups and anatomy of Inspiration. He curates inspiration database - Inspirisimo.You can follow Giedrius on Facebook or Twitter

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