When you are creating content for multiple platforms, your content creation process can seem overwhelming.

Though there are best practices that apply across all of social media, each platform is unique. If you want to really take advantage of all the platform has to offer, then it’s important that you customize your content.

Don’t worry! This doesn’t mean you have to start from scratch for every platform: you can cross-publish.

Cross-publishing refers to the concept of creating content once and then simply customizing it for each platform according to the unique best practices for content creation in that space. This allows you to maximize every piece of content, and build and grow on each platform at the same time.

Agorapulse makes this process easy, as you can change the content directly in your publishing tool. All you have to do is toggle between the various social media channels to get a preview of what your post will look like and adjust accordingly.

content creation process

Let’s take a quick look at how you can cross-publish content on different social media platforms.


In order to have your posts seen on LinkedIn, you want to make sure they are engaging and relevant.

This platform is best for business-related posts and topics. In your content creation process, keep in mind your target audience and what will make them most likely to respond.

linkedin post creation

It’s best to add to the text that’s included with the link. Try asking a question or two that will prompt a response from your audience.

Timing is important. You will want to focus on business hours or just before or after the end of day. Make sure you track your results and customize your timing according to your unique audience.


Instagram is all about images. Be aware that if you are sharing from a website, occasionally the image will not be the right aspect ratio for Instagram and you’ll have to resize it manually. If you are creating your own image, then you will want to keep this in mind when you design the image.

instagram post creation


One of the most important adjustments on Instagram is to include hashtags. You can include a maximum of 30. Hashtags allow other users to find and interact with your content on Instagram and are essential for reach and follower growth.

When cross-publishing through Agorapulse, make sure you change the text in the box below the image.

Facebook Page

Facebook’s focus is on personal connections, and also includes some limitations with how you can make changes to the post. You can’t change the title or description of a link, but you can add a post above the photo to include your own comments.

content creation process

The one exception to the rule about not being able to change text is if you are the owner of the original content and are able to prove that to Facebook.

content creation process

You will also want to keep scrolling on the Facebook section, since you can add audience targeting!

Hashtags, while used sometimes on Facebook, are not as essential to your content. If you do use them on Facebook, then make sure to follow these guidelines:

  • Only use 1 or 2
  • Search the hashtag under “posts” specifically to see how other users are using the hashtag
  • Use hashtags that users are already actively using that are related to your topic areas

team social media management


Twitter’s goal is to be the most up-to-date and in-the-moment of all the social media platforms. Because of this, the timing of your post is important when you schedule.

First, adjust the content itself. Make sure that the content fits into the 280 character limit on Twitter, and use a couple of hashtags that are relevant to the topic you are posting about.

twitter tweet creation


One final note about scheduling. Once you have modified the content itself, you can set individual days, times, and even frequency directly in Agorapulse as well by selecting the platform and then scheduling all the posts you want for that specific one.

content creation process

What is Your Content Creation Process?

Are you using these tips on your social media content creation process? What other tips do you use to make your content feel organic, original, and engaging throughout social media?