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Are Facebook's Privacy And Security Scandals Actually Helping It?

This article is more than 5 years old.


Implicit in the steady drumbeat of coverage over the past year about Facebook’s seemingly endless deluge of scandals is the idea that high-profile security and privacy breaches are a bad thing. Historically it was certainly the case that a company that suffered a massive breach of intimate customer data would find itself in full-on damage recovery mode, likely hemorrhaging customers and fending off lawsuits. Yet, Facebook’s remarkable ability to escape the past year unscathed and in fact post record profits and growth numbers suggests we may have entered a new era in which privacy breaches can actually help a company, rather than harm it.

One of the more remarkable elements of the Facebook story over the past year is the way in which in the face of almost weekly stories of egregious safety, security and privacy breaches, the company has suffered almost no consequences. In fact, the company has posted record financial and user growth over that period.

The most common explanation put forth by commentators has been that Facebook is now simply too big to fail. Its integration into every corner of our lives means we simply have no choice but to go along with whatever it does to us.

However, there is an alternative explanation that raises fascinating questions about how companies may come to view security and privacy breaches in the future: do scandals help, rather than hurt companies today?

Take the example of Ashley Madison’s infamous 2015 breach. Unlike a Facebook or Twitter user account, being uncovered as an Ashley Madison member could bring severe consequences, including public humiliation, job loss, divorce and financial ruin.

Yet, rather than convince the public that Ashley Madison could not be trusted with their intimate information, the company has apparently enjoyed a spectacular renaissance, posting huge growth numbers since its breach. Of particular note, the company attributes its success to the intense global media coverage it received in the aftermath of the breach, which catapulted it into household name status.

In Facebook’s case, it was roughly a decade ago that the company was in a similar situation, facing a global outcry over its then-unthinkable privacy changes, with calls for mass user defections, new legislation, lawsuits and protests to force the company to reverse course. None of this came to pass and by staying the course and largely ignoring the global outcry, the company was able to completely reset societal expectations around privacy.

Looking back on this watershed moment, the immense global attention the Facebook received during this period, with endless media coverage, policymaker statements and societal debate, cemented Facebook firmly in the public eye as the dominant social media platform.

Moreover, by standing firm in the midst of all of that outrage, the company established a precedent that, unlike ordinary corporate America, public outcry would not shift its stance on privacy or security issues.

The lack of any mass defections from the site and its explosive growth during this period called its critics’ bluffs and taught both the company and the public that when push came to shove, the public would back down on security and privacy debates.

There are considerable parallels between that period in Facebook’s history and today. In both cases the company was weathering public outrage, policymaker threats and intense negative media coverage. Yet, all of that attention actually benefited the company back then, leading to explosive growth.

Facebook’s ability once again to ride the latest wave of public outrage almost entirely unscathed suggests that in our modern era there is little the public is willing to do when it comes to actually backing up their words with actions.

For all the public cries that Facebook’s privacy and security actions are utterly unacceptable, no-one is leaving the platform. In fact, all of the attention being drawn to the platform is actually accelerating its growth.

Putting this all together, the ability of Facebook and a growing number of web companies to survive their privacy and security scandals with little consequence suggests we may need to rethink the common assumption that such scandals are bad for companies.

In the end, we must confront the possibility that security and privacy scandals are actually positive developments in today's world that cement companies’ dominance and lead to waves of explosive growth in their aftermath.

As the saying goes, there is no such thing as bad press.