How to Buy a Business with No Money

How to Buy a Business with No Money

Struggling to find out how you’ll ever own the business of your dreams?

While there are many great business opportunities out there, it doesn’t mean much if you can’t afford the price for entry. It can be a struggle to get the funds together to buy a business and it may seem like you’re of luck if you don’t have the money to get started.

Luckily, there are ways to buy a business even if you have no money to spend. Below we’ll tell you how it’s done.

Take Out a Loan

One of the simplest but most effective ways to buy a business with no money is to take out a loan of some kind. There are actually a lot more loan options out there than most people realize, and you may be able to get one easier than you think.

In addition to typical business loans, it’s also possible to fund a business purchase with the use of home equity, a crowdfunding loan, or through other alternative lenders.

Unfortunately, it can be tricky to qualify for a business loan. If you’re self-employed or you’re having trouble qualifying for a loan because you don’t have proof of income, you may want to visit to create paystubs.

Look for an Investor or Business Partner

If you don’t have any money to spend on buying a business, one strategy you can use is to get someone else involved as well. Finding a silent partner or an investor to make the purchase for you can be a great way to buy a business.

Different types of investors will want to be involved in the business in various capacities. Some will want to be heavily involved while some will simply want their share of the profits but won’t actively participate in day-to-day operations.

You’ll have to do a lot of digging to find the right investor fit, but if you find it, the search will often be well worth it.

Seek Seller Financing

One of the best ways to buy a business with no money is by making use of seller financing. If getting a traditional business loan is difficult for you, you still may have a good shot at getting seller financing instead.

In rare cases, businesses will be sold with 100% owner financing. In most cases, though, you’ll still likely have to come up with a down payment. However, this down payment can be sourced by another method such as a smaller loan of some kind.

The terms for seller financing can vary quite a bit and not all owners will be willing to give you a shot if they don’t believe you can manage the business well. You may need to do some looking to find the right match.

Find a Way to Sweeten the Deal

Where there’s a will there’s a way and often the best path to getting seller financing or buying a business is to get creative.

Offering exceptionally good terms to a seller can help convince them to sell the business to you even if you don’t have any money. You may want to find out if a seller would be willing to work with you by only giving you shares in the company at first or you can offer to pay a higher interest rate or larger payment in the beginning.

Anything you can do to sweeten the deal will make it less likely that a seller will be able to say no.

It’s more possible than it seems. Using the tips above, you may find that you’re able to purchase your dream business a lot sooner than you may have imagined.