Best Practices for Creating Instagram Stories that Will Help Your Brand

Have you started using Instagram stories yet? You should be! Instagram Stories are a fun & easy way for followers to interact with your brand and for you to share information. Below are a few tips from us here at Ignite on how to elevate your Instagram story game. If you’ve already got a handle on stories, check out our blog post on IGTV!

What’s the Point?

Do you remember the big push for brands to create Snapchat stories? That’s exactly what’s happening with Instagram stories right now. With the recent decline in Snapchat users, people are flocking to Instagram and utilizing the story feature. Here is our advice on ways to best optimize this feature!

Reposting User Generated Content (UGC)

Camping with Dogs uses their story to re post UGC from their followers – making their story an interactive showcase of the people that have supported them & helped them build their brand into what it is today.


Sharing Influencer Created Content

Like Camping with Dogs, the experts over at our sister company, Carusele, have also been using their stories to repost content. They repost images and stories from the influencers they work with. This tactic could be incredibly beneficial to companies that utilize influencers.

If you’re looking to get into the influencer game, you should talk to our pals at Carusele, they’ve been creating incredible influencer programs and making clients happy since 2015!


Sharing In-Store Promotions

J. Crew has had a best in class Instagram story strategy from the beginning, so it’s no surprise that they would be one of our examples. They use their story to highlight deals and promotions happening in-store. They include swipe up links, so the user can immediately see if the cute new shirt they want is on sale.


Showcasing Local Sights

Visit the Outer Banks takes a different approach to their stories, using them to highlight local sights and providing a few moments of peace. They incorporate text and stickers into their stories, taking their stories to the next level.

Instagram stories, if done well, can create a new level of interaction with followers. If you need help on how to elevate your stories, drop us a line!

Ignite Social Media