Top Tips For Creating A Stellar Brand Identity Video

Top Tips For Creating A Stellar Brand Identity Video

It’s becoming more important than ever for businesses to have a brand identity that makes it easier to encourage customers to connect and engage with them. There are many ways to do this, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that video plays a large role in brand identity for many businesses. So how should you go about creating a brand identity video if you want to generate more engagement, build trust, and boost engagement?

What Is A Brand Identity Video?

A brand identity video is usually a fairly short video that you can use on your website’s homepage as well as on your social media channels and anywhere else you want to. It can play an important role in your overall video marketing strategy. It’s used to showcase your business, including your products and services, while at the same time presenting a clear brand image so that people quickly understand what you do and how you do it.

Here are some of the main factors to consider when creating your own video:

Decide on a Tone

Should your video be funny or serious? It depends on your brand. Humor can work very well, but only if it fits your brand. Look at something like the Dollar Shave Club video. It went viral and helped the brand take off. But that doesn’t mean that funny always works. And you might need something more serious depending on the type of business you run.

Focus on Your Benefits

As with any kind of sales or marketing material, the focus throughout the video should be on your benefits. While you’ll need to make it clear what you do, your main focus should be on how you can help your customers and how you will make their lives better. Make your video benefits heavy rather than features heavy, and you’ll be on your way to creating an effective video that generates new business.

Highlight The Main Points In A Quick Introduction

Try to cover the main aspects people need to know in the introduction. These could include your name, the tagline, and what your goal is in a very short introduction of about 10 seconds.

Demonstrate Your Products

If you have a main product, or a selection of products, show them in use during your video. This is the clearest and quickest way for people to find out how to use your products.

Use Animation

Brand identity videos often use animations, though not always, and it depends on your branding. Animation can come across as fun and quirky, and you can get a lot of information across clearly. Just make sure you use a professional animator.

Show Your Employees

Alternatively, you might want to create a video using real people. Consider using your employees and show them in action. You could also feature important people like the CEO, and one of your team could even do the voice over. Showing the people behind your business builds trust and shows the human side of your business.

Think Carefully About The Language You Use

Don’t be tempted to use boring marketing talk or meaningless slogans in your video. Instead, use language that resonates with your target customers. Speak in their language and use the words that they will associate with to build trust and rapport.

Include A Call To Action

Always include a call to action (CTA) in your video. You could include more than one, but a good option is to include one at the end of the video. What should this be? It depends on your goals. It could be to explore your products further, call your team to discuss a quote, download your ebook, or anything else. Decide on your main goal, then make sure you encourage the viewer to act. Otherwise, it won’t be clear what they should do.

Create A Script

Once you’ve decided on all the elements, create a script that should be clear, direct, and short. Focus on why people should choose your business over the competition, then formulate it into a short script and read it out loud. Make sure it’s about two minutes or shorter, and try it out on different people to see what they think.

Make It Look Professional

Finally, while it may be tempting to film the video on your smartphone, remember that the video should be as professional as possible. You want to get your professionality across in a few seconds, and if you create something that looks homemade, this could backfire. If there is a good reason to make something look homemade, then that’s different. But otherwise, consider hiring a professional video production company to help you. They can add effects, professional music, and use professional techniques to make your video stand out. Visit for more information on this.

Create A Powerful Brand Identity Video

Put all these tips into practice to create a brand identity video that wins you more business and that you can use over and over again. Talk to a professional video production company to find out how they can help you, and brainstorm ideas with your team. Then get to work on creating a truly effective brand identity video that will encourage more prospects to become customers.